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Pk Appeal

Joe Blackbag

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Name of Character: Joe Blackbag

SteamID: 76561198805864116

Your Discord ID#: 709919014171836466

Date of PK: 9/10/24

Reason for PK: Apparently I left too soon after running from the cops.

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I believe that I should be unPK'd because my friend was doing the same thing with me and hes not PK'ed. Also, after running from the cops for about 20-30 minutes me and my buddy were selling oil, and we got off for the night. When I got on today and tried to load up my Main Character/Joe Blackbag character, it said my character was banned. So, Like anyone else would do who didn't know what they did wrong, I got on my other character and called an admin. I asked him why I got PK'd and he said its because I left the server "right after" I ran from the cops, which I doubt is true. Last thing I have to say, is that my buddy was with me the entire time and did NOT get PK'd even though he was doing the same thing to the cops as I was. I just think it's a little unfair, since that wasn't my first affair with the police, and I did not get PK'd before. Thank you.

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: I do not have photo evidence or video evidence, since I unfortunately don't use clipping software. 

Edited by Joe Blackbag
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Pking administrator here

I'm pretty sure in the sit I specified to you that the only reason you were not brought into a sit for this PK was because u were offline, if u had been online u would have been pulled to the sit and I would have explained to you in the moment what had gotten you pked. 

For reference, anytime u get into a situation where you can be retroactively PKED (Violent confrontations with police, failed mugging attempts, Etc) your character will be subject to a PK during and anytime after the situation occurred, just because you had gotten into similar situations before and not been pked does not mean you can keep getting into situations where u can be pked and expect not to be pked. Even if you are offline and the situation is over you are still subject to having your character Pked. 

I also specified to u the reason why u were pked in the first place which was a Violent Confrontation With a Police Officer shown in this clip i provided you 

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This PK looks valid, from the face of it the running over of the cop seems intentional especially when you were screening "die, die, die" so this would fit with the pk guideline about starting a violent confrontation with the police. PKs can be done long after they happen (as long as it isn't a stupid amount of time) and you don't have to be on the server when the pk happens.

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.

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