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Ban Appeal

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Your Character or Steam Name: SStroke

Your SteamID : [U:1:22202]

Your Discord ID#: gdtiacbk 

Reason for ban: pedo, transfering money from another account

Length of ban: Perm

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): apology

Why should you be unbanned? I am very sorry for what i said, i know what i said was wrong but i just wanted to make my friend laugh. I promise it wont happen again and i will read the rules so it wont happen again. I am a diffrent person now. 

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He seems innocent to me. Free him.

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ah hell nah

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told me to kill myself in my DMs on old forums and really hurt my feelings -1

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-1 not cool man

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Pedo says it all

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Look hes really sorry for what he said. It was a stupid joke while drunk. It was also my fault for not saying to him to stop so please unban him and it'll never happen again, ill make sure of it.

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What did this guy say 😂

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Obviously what was said was immature an inappropriate but I think the 'pedo' label is a bit extreme. At worst it's sexual harassment which obviously is wrong. Mind you, you've been banned for several months and I expect you to behave yourself and not say dumb shit like a 14 year old.

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Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly. If it was deemed an invalid ban, it will also be removed from your record.

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