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ban appeal


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Your Character or Steam Name: dickstroke

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:11101

Your Discord ID#: analny_detonator

Reason for ban: pedo, transfering money from one character to another, itap

Length of ban: permament

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): apology

Why should you be unbanned?: I know I've appealed a couple of times already but only one of those things were my fault. I did transfer money from one of my characters to another while being unaware that it was not cool and I dont know what is that itap thing but im still sorry for doing that, but the pedo stuff was what my friend was saying. Im very sorry for him and myself becasue im not going to lie I did not stop him from saying that even tho I knew it shouldnt have been said in the first place. I'd like to ask you to unban me and maybe consider doing the same to my friend. I'll understand if u wont unban me or him.Zrzutekranu2024-03-10131000.png.adf23d3d700a267259a195f209f0b850.png

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Hey man



Are you retarded

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Just now, Canadian-bacon said:

my bad. i thought u denied the earlier one and only just noticed. thank you very much but still I would ask u if it was possible to also unban my friend?



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He can make his own appeal

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