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Pet Flag Appel


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Your Name: Tom "Mr V" Sanders

Staff Member: Monaclu

What flags were blacklisted from you? Pet Flags (Donator Package)(prop limit 100)

Reason for blacklist (if given):PO

Why should they be returned?: Monaclu warned me for PO because I was moving cars with them I didn't understand at the time why the big deal was because I wasn't hurting anyone. But after a long time of not having any way to use them I had time to reflect on my actions and understand that there meant to improve the community not to cause havoc. So with that being taken away on November 17th 1987 I had hard times improving my factions structures for my customers I had plenty of ideas on how to make it look better but couldn't do anything. Now I understand that I should think before I do dumb things and should only use it for necessary reasons. And for whom ever reads this I hope that they have seen me around the city and seen I have improved as a person and also as a player. Thank you for looking at my Ticket and I hope for you to consider giving me a second change. 


Signed By Mr.V                                                                  Steam ID:  STEAM_0:0:427160525







Edited by FiresideCone34
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edit the post and put your steam ID in the appeal

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On 9/8/2024 at 2:38 PM, FiresideCone34 said:

your steam ID is STEAM_0:0:427160525 stupid.

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dont fuck it up


Your flag appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The blacklist will be lifted from your account shortly.

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