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Originals PK Appeal

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Name of Character: Holden Middick

SteamID: 76561198311192743

Your Discord ID#: bshooter

Date of PK: Around 02/2024?

Reason for PK: "Scamming"

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I wasnt aware that i was even PK'd until i logged on today, i took a break from gmod for around 6 months. I was in good standing and didnt have any issues with staff/sits before i left. After discussion with a admin i was informed that i was banned for scamming. This is strange as scamming is permitted in the rules. According to the rules scamming is defined as "taking ones items / money and running away, stealing it." which is allowed. So i dont understand how someone can get banned/pk'd for a rule that is allowed. The only instance where this occured was where a drug deal went south and i ended up taking the drugs and immediately leaving in a car. Never was killed. So a textbook "scam" according to the rules, that should be 100% allowed. Afterwords i was put into a sit and after i pleaded my case i was "let go". I was then conviently PK'd after i went inactive on the server. The Mod who issued the ban was later let go and no longer is part of the staff on the server. 

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: N/A

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My point is that the mod waited until i was clearly inactive before issuing the PK. The rule invites malpractice. This means that the only way to be able to appeal a PK is to play weekly?

Edited by Dopeness12
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I am not the original administrator. That person was @Lomac who has sinced retired.

To note. Yes scamming is permitted but an IC consequence of scamming is the possibility of being killed (and as a result PK'ed).

Here is the clip on the pk log. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1XNwvw-yOqr45A/d1337FP49elx?invite=cr-MSxXS08sMTQ1MDMyMDkyLA

The intention of the two week rule is to prevent people from waiting an obscene amount of time that when they appeal it the evidence or staff member is no longer available, a tactic people would use to get out of valid PKs

I doubt the staff member intentionally waited till you were 'inactive' to issue a pk. They have no way of reading your mind to know wether you'll log on again or not.  

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Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.

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