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ban appeal


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Your Character or Steam Name: od.waff

Your SteamID 76561199445728687 

Your Discord ID#: 617103602594349138

Reason for ban: ltap

Length of ban:5 days

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): i just got back from vaction and i tried to play and im banned for ltap i had sumone looking after my house while i was gone for about a week and he plays the game with me on my pc so i said he could play it and he got me banned for ltap im sorry that it happend and i would love if you guys would unban me 

Why should you be unbanned? its up to u guys to unban me but i feel like i should be unbanned beacuse it wasnt me who was playing but if this appeal get rejected i hopr yall have a good day 

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Banning administrator here. 

As it is with basically every other argument like this, If someone gets on gmod to break rules and its not you, its still your steamid. you are responsible for your own account and even if this mystery person did exist you still have a few past offences for the same exact thing.

The more you repeat the same behavior pattern of DCing to avoid roleplay the longer your ban becomes and it shows you have no intent to actually follow through with punishment that comes from roleplay.



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The classic 'it wasn't me, it was X' excuse. Entirely agree with Cream. You also have multiple previous offenses for LTAP/RP.

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

Edited by Fox
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