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Gun craft additions

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Goal of suggestion:
Add variety of guns and melee weapons to craft alongside the P226/Shiv

Why should additions be made?:
A bigger variety of guns should be able to be crafted to utilize more guns in the content pack. This will open more gates to grinding available to all. These weapons obviously shouldn't be Class 2+ except for just maybe 1 thats hard to get etc. These guns added should be ones not in a factions racket to make the grind feel real. And this addition would probably bring more attention to the crafting system as it has more purpose.

List of weapon ideas:

  • New Model Army
  • Contender
  • STG44 (This would be really hard to get and time consuming)
  • SOG Knife
  • Hatchet
  • Machete 
  • Entrenching Tool

Why ruin the value of these "Rare" weapons?:

The rarity of these weapons bring 0 value to RP and makes no sense to keep these mediocre weapons rare (obviously the STG is good but its just an idea) the only people that would be mad about these weapons being able to be crafted are those who have been sitting on them for over a year and never touched them.

Why bother going through the hastle setting it up?:

Why not its something different!

Obviously the additions dont have to be exactly what i said but an expansion would be cool :))))

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+1 Very good idea

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-1 maybe the melee weapons but the guns no! 

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the rare weapons would go down in price because its actually craftable. I like the melee weapons though

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+1 for melee weapons

Everything else, eh...

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I love kurt


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+1 more gun awesome

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+1 good idea

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doesnt even need to be an STG it could be some generic SMG this just overall adds a whole new grind/layer for new players or just something to do 


it seems the barter / crafting system has been in need of a update for a while anyways 


Edited by Medinator
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mhm perhaps if a few other things go a certain way

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  • 2 weeks later...

+1 i want to craft a m249

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