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Ban Appeal

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Your Character or Steam Name:Lincoln Burrows / secret

Your SteamID : STEAM_1:1:439522528 

Your Discord ID#: spikek._

Reason for ban: Trying to join server with alt account while main acc is 2 day banned (RDM)

Length of ban:Normally 2 Day But System Made it perma

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): because server got me addicted and dont want to get away from it tbh.

Why should you be unbanned? : i did a stupid mistake tried to get in server on with alt acc. while got banned on main acc and situation got worse, so i got my lesson and ill promise to not doing anything stupid nd try my best to be a good player (i didnt mean to break someones rp i just made a mistake cuz im new at the server im sorry 😞

Additional Information (images, videos, etc):my english is so bad sorry about that :((((

Edited by Hg0tros
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Wait ain't you the one where this system perma'ed you three times cause you tired Alting with 3 different accounts

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bro could really not just wait 2 days 💀

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6 hours ago, Logan said:

Wait ain't you the one where this system perma'ed you three times cause you tired Alting with 3 different accounts

yeah thats me 😢 

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1 hour ago, okyes said:

bro could really not just wait 2 days 💀


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Hey there banning staff here!

The reason for the original ban was for RDM with one past offense and lying to staff.  While in the sit you told me that you didn't get warned or told by the manager to give your name to him.  You then proceeded to kill him for no reason.  

Evidence: https://medal.tv/?contentId=izCnWubZcIfedAb0b&invite=cr-MSw0czgsMjMzODczNDcyLA&spok=d1337cHO9Zvn

Also I would like to add, there is no reason for you to make an alt for a 2 day ban or really in general.  Clearly our servers caught it and you would have been better off just waiting.  If you really like the server, you should have made an appeal for it.

Edited by Skyzer
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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Skyzer said:

Hey there banning staff here!

The reason for the original ban was for RDM with one past offense and lying to staff.  While in the sit you told me that you didn't get warned or told by the manager to give your name to him.  You then proceeded to kill him for no reason.  

Evidence: https://medal.tv/?contentId=izCnWubZcIfedAb0b&invite=cr-MSw0czgsMjMzODczNDcyLA&spok=d1337cHO9Zvn

Also I would like to add, there is no reason for you to make an alt for a 2 day ban or really in general.  Clearly our servers caught it and you would have been better off just waiting.  If you really like the server, you should have made an appeal for it.

Hello sir,
The thing is after situation happened first i left the faction after that i deleted character and u just told me you cant do that immediatly and you thinked im just trying to hide myself and you never gave attention to my words. In the sit i was just tried to tell his friend or he hit me in my back while the other guy(owner of clip) is pointing and yelling me with gun in his hand.I didnt see who exactly gaved me damage. In the clip"s first second you can see we was in the bush, the owner of the clip cutted the main conversation.As i said his friend punched me in my back i didnt see exactly who punched me and i told you " can you check the logs ?" and u just checked it and said The guy who killed you he didnt punched you + you dont have clip of anything so you are lying me and you RDM"ed this guy just because i dont have clip. He showed you the "cut clip".Im still saying you guys can check the logs for prove im not lying. i didnt mean to RDM or break to RP i just thinked " his friend punched me while this guy pointing me gun and threatening my life is enough reason to shoot them" ALSO the most important thing i forgot to say is WE ARE IN THE SAME FAMILY WITH THE CLIP OWNER so MY OWN FAMILY MEMBERS is trying to punch me , kill me and im trying to defend myself "WITHOUT CLIP" and you just banned me.First i open a ticket in discord to speak with authorities and they told me they cannot help in discord you have to make an appeal in forum im new at server as i said i dont know what to do in these kinda situations im sorry but as i said someone gaved me damage with his hand and i tried to defend myself not breaking the rule and kill a random guy.

Also which player can know trying to get in server in your friend"s account while you are banned and Perma ban will be the punishment? if i will know that off course i wouldnt tried it.

im just thinking and saying this both BIG MISTAKE happened im not rejecting yeah but not on purpose.Im just a human as you and others but if you give me a second chance im promise these kind of things wont happen again

Thank you for your time and help have a nice day.

Edited by Hg0tros
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It was extended to a perma ban for a reason try waiting more than 5 days before appealing it, its a pretty simple concept that if you try alting while you are banned you will get the ban extended, but you managed to do it 3 times in the same day.

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

Edited by James
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