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PK after a fail MUG as the Mugger


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PK Appeal

Name of Character: Tuco "Loco" Chicano

SteamID: 76561199212566025

Your Discord ID#: jago.mf

Date of PK: 23.08.2024

Reason for PK: Killed while being a Mugger 

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: 1. I was a Mugger killed in a Robbery not the one under FearRP, 2. It was a fail Mug from our side becouse we were on Discord so the Mug isn't a valid RP situation, I'm sorry for beeing on Discord wasn't sure that is against the Server Rules. Wont happen again.  

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ix6A8TSRaz3RSXgRs/d1337ehAykJV?invite=cr-MSxTWkMsMTYwMzAxODQxLA

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you know you can be pkd as a mugger right….

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Mugging someone has the risk of being pked


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bro posted the 1st of 2 times he got killed in a mugging spree, while meta gaming, this is next level pk appeal man

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If you have any evidence go post it it was an RDM i have the evidence what you did . Go appeal if you think you're right.

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Maybe read the rules better? Idk just spitballing here

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yes hello mods!! i was mugging someone and i was also in discord vc with my friend orchestrating a mugging! i got pk'd and i am sad because i died and its unfair because im entitled! please unpk me because im telling you to!

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did he just admit to meta gaming in hes fucking appeal next leavel shit right there 

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PKing admin here - 


I PKd you after you made a ticket requesting for the victim of your mug to be PKd, after you died and your friend killed him. I heard you and your friend speaking in a discord call, which is against the rules and invalidates your attempt at mugging. However, it doesn't invalidate the fact you died WHILE mugging, which is a valid PK as stated in the rules.

Regarding your metagaming, I deemed a note on both yours and your friends profile and this PK as enough of a punishment, given you never even got to tie him up. 

I hope you have a great rest of your day.

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u died and u where mugging all day and you complain when u lose and try to say that because you meta gamed you should be un pked 

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You are no longer welcome in the cartel. You have brought disappointment to our name for this you will no longer be allowed to rejoin. Enjoy your time anywhere else. 
To all parties involved i am deeply sorry for allowing this person into our mix this will be the last time he will be apart of our family. 

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This is a valid PK, not only were you metagaming you died during an attempted mugging which is a pk on its own

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.

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