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Jmoorsey's Ban Appeal (again....)


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Your Character or Steam Name: Jmoorsey

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:427294189

Your Discord ID#: Jmoorsey / 707277017778880625

Reason for ban: RDM | PO x4

Length of ban: 1 Week.

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): both

Why should you be unbanned?: Going to start off with why i thought what i was doing was justified. I had received Don's Orders for someone in my faction, and saw the opportunity to kill. The reason this PK had not been done properly, is because the order was given was for a different person, and someone told me the person i "RDM'd" was active. They were unfortunately, not set active. Making what i did really fucking stupid, causing the person i killed to make an RDM ticket. I do apologize for being a stupid retard, but once again, Jmoorsey has made an oopsey poopsey and fucked up. May i also mention my previous note was for accidental RDM, causing Anzati to ban me, which i can totally understand. I beg of you to please have pity on me and see how fucking stupid i can be.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): None.
Edited by Jmoorsey
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Banning admin here,

from my understanding, you were rdming someone who wasn't active. I checked the pk logs and whatnot, and she was never set active. "J" had told me that he was SUGGESTING that two people should be pked who were new hires and very stupid acting.

When doing pks, and when killing people, it is fully in your hands to figure out if that person is the right one. 

"J" had also told me that it was 100% your fault, as he told you clearly who to kill.


In the end, you killed someone based on facts given through discord, and it was your fault. When killing people, you need to be certain it is for the right reasons and following the rules. As I also stated in the sit, you are lucky for only getting a week ban with 4 PO's. A majority of your recent PO's for RDM, said to ban on next offence, your last ban was from a couple months ago, I agree you've been doing better, but you still somehow continue to gain notes without bans. 

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Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

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