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Vixx's Staff Application - REVOKED


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Edited by Vixx
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oskar is goat

Edited by Ramo
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-1 No playtime. Idk who you are and how you RP, had no interaction with you at all. Your app looks alright

Edited by xDutchCat
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Low playtime, but seems genuine on his application.

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+/- Neutral 

Oskar my goat but I think you need bit more experience and playtime before joining staff. Love u tho

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Thank you to everyone so far for your input, I understand the concern of playtime, however as stated I do wish to continue engaging within the server and therefore continue to raise my playtime. I believe that with the past experience as a Moderator for periods of time as well as good knowledge of the rules that I may still be applicable for the role. Thanks again!

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Ive known this guy since he started playing, he is very trustworthy and can be very helpful in the staff team. I believe he will be a very dedicated and honest staff member.



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On 8/17/2024 at 12:49 PM, xDutchCat said:

-1 No playtime. Idk who you are and how you RP, had no interaction with you at all. Your app looks alright

I think the application should be considered and voted on through the relevant Q&A's, not 'How you RP' - Of course it is important to know peoples natures, values and playstyles, however a Moderator's character has no affiliation with RP so that aspect really doesn't matter and should not contribute to your vote. - That is the reason for this application and the questions that are versed within. As I said we may have met and spoken, people don't share F3's unless they are within a family and made so how can you know we haven't?

Edited by Vixx
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A good, genuine guy who likes helping others, has been dedicating a lot of time to the server and some people already know him in a short span of time. Give him a chance

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Looks like a good guy, but very low playtime, I think having more experience would do you good.

And in regard to the comment you made about "Moderator's character has no affiliation with RP", I couldn't disagree more. While the character itself does not, if your RP isnt up to standard, how is your enforcement of said RP.

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20 hours ago, Pyro said:

Looks like a good guy, but very low playtime, I think having more experience would do you good.

And in regard to the comment you made about "Moderator's character has no affiliation with RP", I couldn't disagree more. While the character itself does not, if your RP isnt up to standard, how is your enforcement of said RP.

Thank you! I did phrase it wrong, its not that I don't think it important I just think its difficult to gauge off that fact of IC RP entirely and not knowing me as we all know this server doesn't throw around names allot. I understand my low playtime may be a deterrent for most, however my argument for that is I have good staff experience and not to mention there are no stipulations that you must have a certain time before applying. I feel ready and well versed with the rules, otherwise I would not have applied.

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