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Ban appeal


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Your Character or Steam Name: Slim Charles

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561198078552769

Your Discord ID#: 267435569183850497

Reason for ban: RDM 9+

Length of ban: Permenant 

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I have been banned for 3+ Years for RDM. Its hard to remember the exact scenario of what happened but I do remember that there was no proof that I had done anything wrong, The responding admin looked at my record and perm banned me before hearing my side. It was very easy for someone to make false allegations and get me banned because of my past. I havent applied for an unban in about 2 years but I still miss the server alot. I was banned so long ago and my past made it very difficult to navigate when I began to take the server seriously. At the time I really was just ignorant to alot of the rules. 

Why should you be unbanned? Im alot older now and can take Rp seriously. I was a young kid when I was banned and am much more mature now. I appologize for my past but I have grown in the past years. Id really like a chance to get back into the server and enjoy some roleplay. This was a cool community and I have many fond memories from back in the day and id love to experience some of that nostalgia again. 

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A

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What makes this different than the other time your perma ban was accepted?

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Well that was 2-3 years ago and people change with time. Theres obviously no way I can prove to you that it wouldnt happen again. Id like to point out how anyone could lie about any situation and pretty much get you banned if you have a perm on your record. Alot of people could use that against you Which can make navigating in the server difficult. I really do just want to roleplay and LARP as my favorite mob movies.


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as it has been a while you will be given the benefit of the doubt but just now any future punishments will be harsher due to this perma ban on record


Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be reduced to time served.

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