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Inventory transfer double-click


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It is time consuming and unnecasarily laborious to transfer large amounts of items between inventories. It would be amazing if we could double click an item to have it transfer over to the other inventory, or even being able to ctrl+click multiple items to drag over several things at once. Would just be a MASSIVE quality of life improvement that I'm sure everyone on the server would greatly appreciate.

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been suggested a thousand times, this isnt minecraft, things are meant to be time consuming, its how video games work. why arent shipment cooldowns 5 seconds? theres a reason behind it all ya dig

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I mean... you can't carry 5 guns, 4 oil containers, 2 barrels of meth and 3 outfits on your person in real life either, that's pretty minecrafty. You can't put meth and guns and shit into ATM's in real life either, but somehow it's too unrealistic to transfer those items in and out at a reasonable speed?


In addition, shipment times aren't 5 seconds in order to manage the economy and the speed of the grind. Making it so players can transfer items smoothly doesn't have an impact on any actual mechanics of the server, it purely improves player experience and makes things much less clunky on the user-end. 

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get to dragging

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1 hour ago, sems said:

too unrealistic to transfer those items in and out at a reasonable speed?

How fast you go already makes it a reasonable speed


1 hour ago, sems said:

doesn't have an impact on any actual mechanics of the server,

it seems small but dragging items determines outcomes of certain RPs like someone evading police and stashing his gun in his bank those few seconds of transferring and dragging stuff can change everything etc etc blah blah this is just one example just legit use ur brain for 2 seconds to think about it or play the server and youd get it 


Edited by Medinator
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11 minutes ago, Medinator said:

it seems small but dragging items determines outcomes of certain RPs like someone evading police and stashing his gun in his bank those few seconds of transferring and dragging stuff can change everything etc etc blah blah just legit use ur brain for 2 seconds or play the server and youd get it 

Same goes in a lot of other unique situations revolving around items, taking, giving, stealing etc  

I play the server and use my brain plenty. If the issue is that it's meant to take time to transfer items for some nebulous edge case balancing reason, then make it so there is a 0.5 or 1 second timer for each item trasnferred but still implement double-click trasnfer/ctrl-click transfer. That way you can keep the same time requirement, but take out the uneccasary clunky and labourious act of individually click, drag, unclick, click, drag, unclick over and over and over.

I guess my question is

How would impletmenting this make the server worse? what problems would it cause? if the issue is that it's meant to take time to transfer items, then what would be wrong with a 0.5 sec timer per item while also implementing better trasnferring mechanics?

How is the server improved by needing to manually drag each and every individual item?

Another issue is that non-American players have this problem even worse. If you have a high ping, it takes even longer for items to trasnfer, and you have to actually wait a second or two for one item to change inventories before you can drag the next.

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Bro dropped his bricks a few times at the ATM Hence why he suggested this 😂

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i would love it to be a thing but its been suggested in the past and has always been shit on. I understand why its not a thing though

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19 hours ago, anzati1 said:

things are meant to be time consuming, its how video games work

 most retarded thing ive ever heard

17 hours ago, sems said:

Another issue is that non-American players have this problem even worse. If you have a high ping, it takes even longer for items to trasnfer, and you have to actually wait a second or two for one item to change inventories before you can drag the next.

yeah true

to make item transfering easier while also keeping the 1s delay needed to manually move the item, I suggest you do something like rust
it's a cooldown, but the circular loading icon will make it look like it isn't that long, kinda like how a longer loading bar makes it look like it's loading faster
this could also mask the delay for people with high ping

make it so the transfer happens 1s after clicking:

user shift clicks on the item
start the loading animation
send to server (also send curtime)

receives it
wait 1s after the curtime that was received (this will help those with high ping)
check if player is not dead, still has the ui open, etc
transfer item
send back to client

Edited by vasectomy
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