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RDM Ban appeal


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Your Character or Steam Name: Spike Spiegal

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:54734199

Your Discord ID#: 530456949460959263

Reason for ban: RDM PO X3

Length of ban: 3 days

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I was letting a new player drive around and suggested we go to the Tech Store to pick up some tapes and enjoy some music around the city, while she is getting used to driving in the city. As we where doing that some guys in Top hats came running up to us trying to get into our car, but it was locked and was trying to her to get used to the C menu functions, besides that I could tell from their behavior they where mostly minges looking to disrupt RP and such. I paid them no mind, but seeing how minges mostly thrive off attention will bug the shit outta anyone for it, I mainly tried to ignore them. I park my car and one of them steals it, so I shoot him down, one of them ends up breaking NLR and coming back later on, now the other man in the top hat comes to brother us and is trying to make threats without a weapon, which is a idle threat I get that, when his friend comes back I told him he's breaking NLR and pretty much gun him down, I understand if thats rule breaking there, then i point my gun to the other guy and say: "Bop scoot, get outta here." I warn him either two or three times, but im sure he's just baiting me at that point, however I am public property which I understand you can't really kick people out of. Though I've been told you can point a gun at someone and put them in fear rp outside of mugging/kidnapping scenarios to have them leave, that is what I was trying to accomplish, Sense it would be RDM if I gunned him down with no reason too. After I melee him to death, I left the store and try and move on cause I know they are just gonna go around fishing for attention and just do mingy things that will eventually them banned. I always had the rules in mind and what I learned in previous admin sits behind me as well other times I've gotten notes or banned of my own wrong doing.

Why should you be unbanned? I was ultimately only trying to follow the rules, while trying to deal with minges. One of them did break NLR, even though I didn't make the ticket it was mainly due to planning to leave the store so I didn't get into any further issues with the guys in the top hat. These guys had a target and seems like they get their kicks off by getting people into losing situations with the admins, when I never just bluntly RDM someone ( I understand if did due to one of them breaking NLR, im willing acknowledge that mistake.) Other than that I feel justified in trying my best to shoe away minges that are just fishing for attention and reactions from people because they can't think of other ways to entertain them self's, while I was in the middle of showing a new player the ropes and trying to make it a fun time. I've also recruited many people, when I do that I've encounted folks like that have no respect for the rules and just try to sideline me in the middle of training someone and showing them the mechanic's of the sever, and as stated/mentioned I always try to handle them with the rules in mind so I don't get banned or notes written up as well @ admins if need be. 


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Edited by MadVillainy
gammar, syntax, spelling
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wasnt there but i saw those same guys call pd on the ghetto motel using nlr knowledge of a weed operation and then were told by the cops that thats nlr knowledge after someone brought up that they died and cant remember that, and they cant act on it one of them then walked in the ghetto motel pretended they saw a weed operation (i followed the cops in there all doors were locked and closed) that they knew about from that previous life and reported it to the cops again, i think they just love nlr.

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I banned him.

Yeah I remember you saying they were talking about shooting you but that isn't a reason to pull out a gun and kill them. You've had several notes for RDM on your account with the last one being roughly 3 weeks ago for "RDM - ban next time".

If they're breaking rules make a ticket in game with @.

Someone needs to be an active threat to you to warrant shooting at them, in the future I recommend warning them to leave you alone three times before shooting them.

I'm personally fine if this ban is reduced or removed due to the 2 guys in the clip actually being minges, I pk'd and banned both of them a little bit later anyway, but one of them reported the OP for RDM and technically in this case, that was RDM.

Edited by Falcon
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With this it is a hard one as you are right he broke NLR and came back which he shouldn't do and should be punished for, but you should have made the ticket for it. His friend might have said that he's gonna shoot you but it was a passive threat so you can't just shoot him for that. You most likely would have gotten away with just a note if this was your first or second offence but it was your 7th RDM incident. So with this the ban length and reason for the ban is justified. If you want to stop getting in trouble for RDM read the rules.

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

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