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TIny "Teeny" Rizano PK APPEAL


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please have boomsroasted or canadian bacon take this i have past problems with the other two administrators

Name of Character:
Tiny "Teeny" Rizano

SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198367369589/

Your Discord ID# .rizo

Date of PK:  07/18/24

Reason for PK:  ooc messages through discord

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: metagaming

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:
Good evening, staff members, regular players, and server owners. My name is Rizo, and Ive been playing on Diverge for almost 2 years now. Ive made tons of friends and have had the time of my life on this server. When I first started to play, my character's last name was Rizano, and it kind of just stuck. From that day forward, I continued my legacy, gaining many sons and grandchildren from those sons, all who worked with me in the underworld of these streets. My family expanded until I had about 15-20 rizanos roming the streets while we were at our peak in the Jews. Unfortunately, all great things must come to an end. My capo came to me at the time and told me if I pkd another capo, I would get his crew. At the time, I was desperate and had a lot of people relying on me to bring them up in this world. So I accepted, a week or two pass until my target gets on; the day that all this would take place, I was snitched on OOC to Monaclu by one of my most trusted sons. I accepted my ban for metagaming and PKD for metagaming. witch is entirely in monaclus rights as a staff member. {Your character can be PK'ed/bbanned by staff at their discretion if you break server rules, such as but not limited to: fail corruption, minging as a police officer, metagame/powergame, item transfer/character abuse, etc., but did I really metagame? The definition of metagamin is "Using Out of Character Information In-Character." This entire situation was out of character; no gun was pointed, no information was used, ic from OOC. This entire thing was through Discord messages, so tell me how this classifies as metagaming. Please list me the rule after I've gone through them at least a dozen times. Im not here to make apologizes, im here to state facts, and the fact is I got banned and PKD for talking in a Discord call and typing in a Discord chat that was not owned by Diverge and was never brought into character. 


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Hi, I'm the admin that pked you.

My reasoning for this PK is as follows: you were metagaming and coordinating PKs using alt chars for the purposes of couping a kapo of Kosher Nostra to gain power. This obviously could not stand, as it's metagame, power game, and against the rules.

When this was brought to my attention, the very obvious question came which was "how do we prevent you from further targeting this faction." Obviously the result was pking your character. You showed you couldn't be trusted to play nice and follow the rules, and risk your own character in this pursuit of power, so you lost your character.

Point blank, you broke the rules MAJORLY. You broke the rules to gain power on a character without dealing with that pesky RP. We couldn't trust you to continue to have that character with the information that you have, and thus removed the threat of further targeting. 

Remember this on your next life and try to do better, but I believe the PK should stand because it should be a reminder to you that you NEED to follow the rules, and to prevent you from trying to snitch or use info you have on that character to damage the faction you were attempting to coup.

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    So a couple things to say to your response 
1. I planned and coordinated a pk no denying it but never made or used and alt char in any way
2.  monaclu would you have pkd me if I was apart of any other faction maybe not the faction you literally created showing you have a bias in this entire situation
3. do not forget this staff member went out of his way to permaban me for being in a group chat with the high ranking Rizanos its LITTERALY CALLED THE RIZANOS FAMILY GC

4. in the reality of things monaclu should never had taken this ticket to ban or pk me he knew the victim very personally he had way to much bias towards the situation and I don't agree with how he handled any of it.

5. he went on to gloat in my dms about this perma ban also
6.hes denied my past pk appeal as well even though i was right in stating the guy was cheating for he was banned for it and i was unpkd



this staff member is unprofessional, biased and outright just an asshole he shouldn't be allowed to take tickets regarding the Jews in any circumstance.

Edited by Rizano
forgot dis
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1. You guys were using alt chars to do the pk, that's what was being discussed, that was the gimmick

2. Yes, duh. Any faction.

3. You were not banned for being in a group chat with the rizanos. I was made aware of the rizanos discord and group chat long before you guys actually broke the rules so heavily forcing me to ban you. You just straight up avoided the actual ban reason here.

4. I literally hardly remember the guys name, pretty sure he came in after I left

5. I did do that, it was funny you had your group chat leaked twice.

6. No idea what that's even referencing.


Fact of the matter is that I stepped down from the jews, point blank, full send. The bias for the jews claim doesn't work too well. I main the PD, I have a lawyer in the bonannos, I have an associate in kosher. I'm not going to disregard tickets for an entire faction because I at one point was the Don of that faction. I didn't disregard tickets when I *was* Don of that faction. Fact of the matter is, I'm a Super Admin. End of the day, I'm trusted to not be biased, and I take that trust very seriously.

Your post went from apologetic, recognizing your actions, and requesting an un-pk to a sad attempt to make me look like the bad guy. You said it yourself, I did what was in my rights as a staff member. Your post actually looked good before that reply you made. Shame.

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This is should be denied on the rules of PK appeals alone, you are still permabanned, and it has been longer than the time restraint for submitting a PK (you have waited over 3 weeks)

Not only this you are able to be PKed for OOC reasons if the staff member thinks the rule break is bad enough to justify it. In this case, with your extreme stupidity, I think it is.
Also, me denying your ban appeal isn't a sign of bias I've had no other interaction with you.

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.

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