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Name of Character: tylor wenzel

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:67683310

Your Discord ID#: tyfryguy

Date of PK: 8-5-24

Reason for PK: mugging char

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?:
i disobey orders from don's and get pked because i don't take orders from retards i've been faction hopping looking for the right gang and get pked by angry dons for disobedience not for mugging

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:

i mug and raid it's part of the game it's not all i do 24/7 i cook drugs and RP too byte admin is on some bullshit and is a troll 

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Hello! PKing admin here. Your reason for being PKed was for breaking internal family rules. You accepted the prompt (shown below), and were aware of the risks. 


You've been PKed 5 times in a little under a week, I'm starting to think you should self reflect before calling anyone a retard. Have a great rest of your night. 


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metagame admin cant tell gang im mugging r u retarded 

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Another PK'ing admin here. This char was banned for mugging char. All you have down since your unban was get banned for fail raid, and RDM (twice) and then create new characters for more mugs and raids after the last one gets PK'd. In this situation, after you had made an RDM ticket while you were raiding, again, I decided to check your logs. Your logs show a clear, and quite blatant, abuse of faction vendors to obtain guns for raiding and mugging and drugs to use as bait for more muggings. After going through all of your logs for character creation and deletion, PK's, lockpick use, tying, and vendors used - I came to the reasonable explanation this was yet again just another mugging char, hence you being killed. Just since 7/25 to now you have mugged 8 people that you successfully tied, raided at least 12 timed for your lockpick uses, that's not counting the times you tried to just push your way into open doors, and have made 5 different chars that follow the pattern I had already listed before. (Join faction, get gun, get drugs for bait, buy lockpicks and restraints, go mugging and raiding). If you are going to go on a public forum and try to call others a troll or "on some bullshit" prepared to have your very dirty laundry aired out. Only reason you're not fully banned, again, was because another member of staff chose for me to show you mercy this time. 

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Edited by Byte
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Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.

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