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Pet flag Appeal

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Your Name: Christopher "Chrissy" Bocavelti 


Staff Member involved:Byte

What flags were blacklisted from you?:pet

Reason for blacklist (if given):po/kill/minge

Why should they be returned?: Byte had warned me earlier in the day not to abuse pet flags because I was getting rdmed several times and instead of making a ticket i spawned a desk in between me and the 12 people  after the third time they killed me. I didnt take this to heart and didnt create a ticket and instead made the mistake of spawning the desk. Nobody was killed besides me and as far as I know everyone involved was messing around and having a good time. I understand this was not the right thing to do.  Several Hours later I was inside the PD and spray painted some obscenities on the wall involving the officer that had just arrested me using proper /me on each of the tags. I had learned previously after someone spray painted "diddy party" on the meat market that you can call an admin to clean it up if you use proper /me.    Then byte appeared as I was moving one of my tags and told me this was my final strike and took away my pet flags. I never killed anyone with my props and even made sure to /me for all the text. I have spent hundreds of hours on the server engaging in serious roleplay and believe im not a minge. I would like to apologize if my actions effected the server negatively in any way and would like to apologize to byte if he feels I ignored his warning and kindness. Though I do believe my actions did not warrant taking away the flags I spent my money on. I can promise that nothing resembling these actions will be repeated.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Thank you for your time,

Edited by Nevoga
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Your final strike was not simply for putting the text screens up. If you properly roleplay it out that is completely fine. Your flags were removed for where you were trying to improperly place the text screens. You were located in the main reception area of the PD. You then proceeded to spawn a text screen on the other side of the airlock via the hole used for people to hand their ID's to officers. The took your physgun and were trying to use it to post the text screen above the elevator clearly on the entire other side of the room. In this situation, there is no way at all for you to properly roleplay that out. So this, plus me already warning you tonight, and your PO for prop kill, I elected to remove your flags as you have repeatedly shown you can't be trusted to use them properly

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Posted (edited)

As I stated previously I dont believe I prop killed anyone if you could please provide evidence to this claim it would be appreciated. I would also like to add that the sign above the elevator was placed there by me using proper /me while inside that room before it was covered by the other officers text. As for my other tag I did not intentionally clip it through the door with malicious intent, my flags were taken before I could even defend myself.

Edited by Nevoga
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You say that you RP'd putting the tags down but I can't see any example of this in the logs?

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Unfortunately I dont have a clip I can provide of me doing the /me  but I do have a clip of me using my up arrow to show the admin the last thing i typed which was the /me I had used for one of them. It happened on august 4th. Im not sure the exact time but I do know it was late most likely past 12 while I was on my character Bobby "Big Bobby" Biggums. I can assure you it was done and is in the logs.


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In your own clip, you show in the first frame all the reasons this last violation was why I took your flags. You are clearly in the airlock, behind the locked door as the officer was opening it to come out to you. You can also see behind the officer where you had previously posted your text screen, where you could not reach, and was trying to again. Again, yes, if you do the proper /me's you very well can spray graffiti on any surface with text screens. But in this clip, and shortly after when you tried to do it again, you attempted to do the Rp and paste the screens in a place you would never possibly be able to reach from where you were. 

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I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt here, however - I'm going to make it very clear that if you abuse your pet flags again that they will be removed and not be returned. Whilst graffiti can be performed IC, there is a difference between doing it just to be a minge and doing it for RP reasons. 

Please remember this going forward.

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Your flag appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The blacklist will be lifted from your account shortly.

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