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my ban appeal and picture display

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Your Character or Steam Name: KINGPEN CARTERSON

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):  76561199122225601

Your Discord ID#: no discord 

Reason for ban: MRDM

Length of ban: 4 days

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute

Why should you be unbanned? dudes outside the pizzeria place next to the meat shop destroyed my van right in front of me, told me I wouldn't do shit and they beat me on public grounds multiple times, check logs. They would interact with me breaking NLR too, after they killed me a few times. After that i waited until a chance I could strike back after being disrespected and stole a police car. I was originally aiming for the 2 people in the front, one who told me that I wasn't gonna do anything, and the other I believe was hitting me with car, either way also said some nasty things and beat me. When they beat me on public grounds, talk shit and destroy my van, I should have full right to try and get my revenge. I was aiming for the corner but i exploded basically on impact of the curb, which somehow killed 4 people. It was not my intention to mass RDM.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): Staff teleported me in and he obviously had made up his mind beforehand because I was frozen in the sky, and we given about 1 minute to explain myself while 5 grown men giggled about me getting banned. I have been killed multiple times for disrespecting people multiple times, clearly some players are favored on this server and it doesn't seem like some of the staff should be staff.bee5a39a8d10febe3cba722433ae4fcfc2e0fb16.jpg.2f31a8d906937b6059b3a255f9b829ec.jpge56fbf9e13e045998e4b6b7b4d0fd12a_1719452567tplv-photomode-zoomcover_720_720.jpg.c0df447becdf00a802f1b77b9252b5dc.jpgdownload.jpg.b79ee581d09f5065cdfa3b637b081688.jpgdownload.jpg.4b9cde9dfb63c0f389836c80aa4750f5.jpgdownload.jpg.8360e7c1e21ba23ab78b977640b9c99d.jpgKingpen will be back to haunt his banners 4 days tops

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Hello, banning moderator here. You were killed and then came back to the previous place where you died at, which is "NLR", you then proceeded to revenge kill after you died which is also NOT ALLOWED. You have been banned 4 previous times on the server. While it may not of been your intention to kill 5 people, you still did. Read over the rules and let this be a lesson. Also, "They would interact with me breaking NLR too" you admitted to breaking "NLR" in your own dispute.


Edited by pizzle
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I think your overall attitude and understanding of the rules needs to approve tenfold, especially considering the nature of this appeal and the images and text you added vers the bottom.

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

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