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Sig P226 Crafting


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Use to be a solid way for super citizens to get a gun or to start out with a new char but there is no way to get a cigarette pack anymore for the wrench trade to get weapon parts. Please add the gas station NPC back!!

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You have to go to the PD, to get a pack of cigarette's. Which kind of blows because almost no cop besides a few based ones like Maggie are willing to hand you a pack of Ciggies if you ask casually. Making the P226 is so worth, plus sometimes its nice to have a pack of cigs incase you wanna rp buming a smoke off of someone, I would always keep a pack in case someone in the city wanted a cig before map change.

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Dude.. true...

FYI some factions do sell them, they request to have it in their food vendor and can sell at small profits

For now to replace full packs maybe not existing I'll add a trade to get a pack on the Albert Rico NPC



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