Pendred Posted February 23, 2024 Share Posted February 23, 2024 Faction Guidelines and Discord Rules These are the general rules that will dictate how Discord and other 3rd party out of game communication is considered and handled in the server. Ensure you also read the server rules and apply them in conjunction with these guidelines. Prerequisite: Unless the server is owned by Diverge Networks, anything declared IC in will not be considered such. This is a non-negotiable term as it is required for us to properly moderate and determine the validity of IC communication. If you are unwilling to abide by this term, we will unfortunately be forced to terminate your factions status on our server. We need to have this access for the following reasons. To monitor IC communication and ensure no meta-game is being conducted. To ensure other server rules are being abided by. To improve communication between players and Management by being available to directly answer concerns, whether that be regarding the usage of Discord or other. To aid in creating roleplay on the server, and move away from Discord where possible. Discord Rules: Due to their unmonitored nature, all voice channels are strictly OOC. Nothing said or done in a VC can be used or considered ICly. Anyone caught using voice channels or anything that isn’t in-game for IC matters will be punished appropriately. Make use of the voice radios or phone systems. Only official factions are permitted to use a Discord server for IC purposes. This is limited to the one server and will be owned by Diverge Management The only part of a Discord server that can be used for IC purposes is a text channel. For a text channel to be IC, the channel name needs to have the prefix of “IC” followed by the channel name. It also needs to be under a category of channels which are also all IC. Make it clearer that anything IC placed in channels, such as a log of a purchase, are usable in-game as evidence. Legal businesses (Law Firms, clothing stores, etc) may register themselves with the Commerce Commission/Unified Court System and, upon doing so, will receive a channel through which they may conduct business. No forms of legal organizational discords are permitted. Group chats will not be usable for any IC purpose. Anyone found participating in a group chat for IC matters will be punished appropriately. No matter how wide the involvement, all members are culpable. Any faction engaging in this puts itself at risk of removal. Discord roles are not IC and cannot be used as such. Neither are channels that are used for requesting Discord roles. Factions may have IC announcement channels (one faction-wide and one per crew) through which they issue information to their members; upon joining, members do not gain knowledge of announcements prior to having joined. They will only be aware of announcements made after this date. They may have announcement channels, radio freq, and documents drop offs. The only way for a new member to have prior knowledge of the faction is if another member with experience tells them in game. No Faction Meetings are permitted in Discord. It must be in game. (Though coordinating to meet up at locations and times may be done over discord. EX: 'Meeting at 7pm at docks' and nothing else.) It is the responsibility of the faction leadership to ensure members who are killed, retired, or otherwise removed, have their roles taken. Although they may still participate socially in an OOC context, their involvement in the faction, RP-wise, ends there. Any form of ‘shadow-donning’ will result in bans and faction removal. Evidence and Undercover Discord Roleplay Acknowledging the role of the NYPD, NYPD characters that go undercover and infiltrate criminal organizations will be permitted. Any evidence they gain from the IC-Announcements and Radio after the date of joining the discord will be permitted as knowledge in roleplay. Also, members of a criminal organization that “rats” everyone out can only have knowledge similar to the date of joining the Discord. In order to have “prior knowledge” of events for the faction, they must be informed in game by another member with experiences of the events. Undercover cops acknowledge that being “found out” will risk a PK by the faction. Authorizing PKs In order for a PK to occur, the Faction Leader, or Co-Leader must order the PK in-game for such PK to be valid. For the player carrying out the PK, that individual must remain in game for 30 mins. Discord screenshots of hit approval are not permitted. (You may use in-game screenshots of the order being given IN-GAME) Discord Channels The Warrants Channel can be used for arrests and DMs can still be sent. Subpoenas and search warrants may be delivered in-person, in a DM, or via the pager system. DMs are only used for scheduling meetings, so use common sense. You cannot make deals, contracts, or perform any type of services, activity in DMs are generally used to schedule meetings. VC removal; limited to three per discord. You may not have a channel that is used for OOC and IC, it must be exclusively OOC or IC. One or the other. Trade Discords, legal or illegal, are not allowed, herein referred to as Shop Discords, all deals must be done in-game. Violating this will result in the factions using it being removed from the server. Again, the purpose is that all of this is to be done in game. Alliance/Commission Discords that comprise many factions will be permitted, with Management owning the Discords. 2 3 2 Link to comment
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