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Sirloin last won the day on October 27 2024

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  1. I don't understand why you have to be so condescending to new players of the community. It's clear to me you are biased and trying to get me in trouble. As I've stated before, this is my main character. I just started playing 2 days ago and was playing 6 hours a day until you PKed me. Unless the rules clearly state a player can't mug in his main character, I don't see why my character was PKed.
  2. According to the rules: "You may not have a character for the express purpose of mugging/raiding as a means to avoid consequences on your main character.". As you can see from the logs you have access to, the vast majority of my playtime on this server, is in fact on Tungee, my main character. This is not an alternate character by any means, and most of the wealth I've accumulated is also in Tungee, which wouldn't make it a "low risk" character. Nowhere in the rules does it say you can't mug on your main character. In fact, there's a 15 minute grace period for a reason, that's the minimum you must wait between mugs. I decide to wait longer between mugs and conduct them very carefully as I don't want to die. Alot of the evidence you collected here is in fact speculation. For example, the player you mentioned that I zip tied twice and killed was because of a server bug. Everytime I'd zip tie him he would get police cuffed, and I even called an admin about it that kicked the char from the server and made him rejoin (you can check the logs for this too btw). I later cuffed him again to see if the bug was fixed, but it wasn't. You also brought up my kill logs but most of the players I've killed weren't because of mugs. For example two of the players in the kill logs were trying to assault me and after multiple verbal warnings wouldn't leave, so they got killed. Finally you mention another player I'm roleplaying with me giving me guns, but none of this is against the rules. This player is giving me a headstart in the city in exchange for me helping him out with banking some items and he'd get paid for the guns in the future. If my sole intention in the server was mugging, and you found that I had 6 mugs, how come I have 12 hours in the server doing other things other than this sole activity you accuse me of doing? I have participated in a lot of roleplay you are simply not aware of but decide to accuse me against just because roleplay is not shown in the logs. I don't see how any of the evidence you've gathered incriminates me or would give you a reason, beyond reasonable doubt, to PK my character. I believe you went into this admin sit with a premade idea of who I was and decided to gather information that would fit this narrative to later PK my char.
  3. Name of Character: Tungee "The G" Royce SteamID: 76561199142840350 Your Discord ID#: catwifwifi Date of PK: 10/25/24 Reason for PK: Mugging character Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: Today I was brought into an admin sit because I wanted to report a player I mugged of breaking fear rp by pulling a gun out on me and dying while I was mugging him. Unfortunately I noticed the footage I had of the guy had no audio of me, so I understand why he couldnt get PKed. Afterwards, anzati1 suddenly started accusing me of rulebreaking. I never expected the admin that would take the sit to show a confrontative attitude towards me, the one that submitted a report, and a bias to try to get me in trouble. Initially, anzati1 wanted to PK me for being a "mugging character". I disputed that no, this was in fact my main character, and I had made sure to wait way over 15 minutes between each mug. He argued that because I had mugged 6 times in my 2 days of playing, I was a mugging character and mass mugging. This is my main character and the one I have the most playtime in. My character, Tungee, is a hustler that mugs by night, drives taxi by day, and frequently interacts in a lot of situations. Over my 2 days of playing I've made a lot of connections in the server and I'm known as a dangerous guy but I believe this is how I want to play this character for now. In fact I was invited to join this Islamic faction that I heard was going to open a new Mosque in the city shortly, so I was waiting for that before getting into serious business. Regardless, anzati wanted to PK my character, and without giving me a justification or helping me understand what I did wrong. Keep in mind I have 2 days on this server and I'm very informed with the rules. In the following clips, you will see how the admin poorly handled the situation and was abusing his power to get me PKed, despite me giving him my reasons for doing so. He already had a premade idea of what I was doing and his allegations were refuted but he really wanted to get me PKed. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: Thank you for considering my appeal and have a good night.
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