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About pappy

pappy's Achievements

White Shirt

White Shirt (1/14)

  • -1 Not Enough Playtime
  • Just when I thought I was out
  • First Post
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  1. pappy

    Pappy's ban appeal

    I finished the quiz
  2. pappy

    Pappy's ban appeal

    Hey! Cool numbers here but I've been off the server for about... 441 days just thought that was cool!!!
  3. Your Character or Steam Name: Pappy Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:101573953 Your Discord ID#: awaw7279 Reason for ban: RDM x2 + POs Length of ban: Permanent Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):After a long hiatus I look to come back to the server and play in a faction with my friends. Why should you be unbanned?: After a year and a half hiatus, I feel like I have spent enough time away from Diverge to reflect and understand what I did wrong in my time playing. In this time off I have played other RP servers on other games in order to find that enjoyment again that I once found in Diverge/MafiaRP. Specifically, Ranch Roleplay on RedM which has been fun and in my opinion made me a better RP'er than when I was banned from Diverge. I won't make excuses for my record or what I have done to get banned, I would just hope that I could be given a chance to come back to the server, follow the rules, and have fun in a faction with my friends. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A
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