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  1. Don't they already do this when bloods and crips come around?
  2. you should consider buying those songs, every public casette was purchased except for a few if I had a guess
  3. +1 Last time I checked it makes you fast with the chance of a heart attack, fuck it lets add a 25% chance of instant death upon snorting!!!
  4. the 007 app was fucking garbage vs this, it actually has effort in it, the question is whether the people in the faction would be active roleplayers
  5. +1 The clowns provide good RP and I saw them building dupes down at self storage earlier, real top tier shit tbh
  6. After being banned half the server already forgotten me they forgot about #007 and even my in game name they forgot what i brought and what i did for the community i do too much for this community like my time and streamer support no one congratsulate me not even thanks me. Day 2 of being banned im stuck in the dark with my thoughts thinking about things i wish i forgot something i cant explain on the internet losing my insanity the constant voice and thinking in my head of many things this game helped those thoughts because i liked the server i liked the people but someone had to mess it up for me and get me banned person who got me banned even quit the server after i got banned @RemHope you feel very good about yourself for leaving me with my never ending thoughts in my head that this server clamed down.
  7. Kay

    ban appeal

    -1 alting to avoid a blacklist is stupid as fuck. Stop trying to work around a blacklist from a faction, the one time I remotely talked to you in game you seemed sus as fuck and seemed like a snitch. IMO this should be extended to a perma for just simply alting to avoid a purposeful faction blacklist, also take this as my partial suggestion to add an in game feature to blacklist people via steamid maybe.
  8. I am very disappointed that I am even the first person to make a suggestion about this, but recently I noticed that you can only buy one of each car now. This is disappointing because I wanted to purchase multiple of the same low riders to customize, now we are limited to one and I feel like this is restricting my roleplay. Why did you go through with this change?
  9. It would be nice if cops could tow (delete) cars or impound them for a certain amount of money. Would definitely increase the stakes of reckless driving and getting rid of cars blocking traffic much easier.
  10. +1 at the minimum find a way to not announce peoples full government names over radio to people AROUND them. shits peak metagame
  11. +1 PoliceRP is much different than civilian, you really do need to make in the moment decisions for the safety of yourself, other officers, and the general public. In the case of this situation, I fully believe that he was in the right here, although it is RDM this should have been dealt with in an IC manner. This was a situation where IA would have been much more suited for "Improper use of force" because an officers first reaction when seeing a cop car get blown up is to shoot, not to command someone to throw their hands up because they will (and I have had this happen) just shoot and kill you the second you say that.
  12. Kay

    Pk appeal

    Do yourself a favor and post where he said that btw
  13. +1 As the Head of HR for Rockefeller Oil, this is a well done app from what it seems, you did an amazing job with the back story, and the brochure is a beautiful touch, would love to see some healthy competition in the oil market!
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