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Yuri Orlov

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  1. -1 meta gaming gonna kill all of legacy's oops
  2. Yuri Orlov

    PK appeal

    i am the guy who killed you .......... scoreboard board i killed him he cried like a bitch
  3. i am not reading it for the 5 time its the fact you told him all he can do is ban me like what the fuck he is a minge white shirt with like 5 hours in the server bro why
  4. and i am sorry to every one i killed and i love you bacon JEWS FOR LIFE
  5. Your Character or Steam Name:Tate Langdon Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):STEAM_0:0:813805511 Your Discord ID#:popefrancis0736 Reason for ban:RDM Length of ban:1 week i got banned for shoot a guy who started yelling over and over again that i was sucking his dick and when staff called me to the sit the guy said all he wanted was and apoligy i gave him one then the guy asked what can we do then and the staff said ban him so the new white shirt minge started shouting bann him bann him ban him i know i have 5 priers for rdm i am not asking for a complete urban i whole just like some time off because yes i did rdm the guy but i did what he asked and stiil got banned https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jwI4HI5dKG80ZV-zv?invite=cr-MSxHRkEsMjIxOTQzODQ5LA thank you all for your time bye
  6. i said i wanted to after he joined the jewcord and start yelling at the top of his lungs and calling me a "bitch ass nigga" and a "easy ban"
  7. Your Character or Steam Name:Tate Langdon Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):STEAM_0:0:813805511 Your Discord ID#:popefrancis0736 Reason for ban:RDM Length of ban:4 days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):got banned for rdm becuase some guy was earraping me with a voice change and i shot him then he comes to my place of work after starts yelling about rdm and stuff like that after i offer to comp him then he starts say he lost a ak trying to lie and make me give him 20k when all he lost was a skorpion like what the hell Why should you be unbanned?i should be unbanned because this is the 4 sos guy to have been non stop harassing Jew trying to get us banned Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
  8. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iQZtC5Preg_kXdkIR?invite=cr-MSw0Z2IsMjIxOTQzODQ5LA to the guy who wants to get rid of the Jews that should look familiar its you dying lil nigga then you cried about it like a bitch on the forums
  9. no get rid of the jews what am i going to do wipe away my tears with all the money i got lil nigga
  10. o my god i am so sorry here is a ice cream sandwich
  11. my people dont have to watch over shit i stomped you once i will do it again
  12. well you can probliy make more money then me but not on lil nigga Christopher DeCicco
  13. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iQZtC5Preg_kXdkIR?invite=cr-MSxlYUcsMjIxOTQzODQ5LA this you after we found out you left the Jews and joined 14k 14k gave us the ok and so did monaclu plus you did get a warning this popped up on your screen whin you got hired gg and good night lil nigga your truly Tate
  14. Name of Character:bartek Borkowski SteamID:STEAM_0:0:813805511 Your Discord ID#:popefrancis0736 Date of PK:10/7/2024 Reason for PK:i wanted to leave them Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?:they used pager If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iPsMUoqSychBsIZ8U?invite=cr-MSx5bEssLEZPUl9ZT1U
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