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xuuvetyn last won the day on September 29 2024

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  1. a nigga speaking fax and all of a sudden im crazy.... but a nigga name aiden with an e is completely normal
  2. im so scared for the replies guys please dont be mean im a nice guy and get offended quick thank u for the love bro preciate it look at this snitch ass nigga
  3. honestly whoever said i shouldnt be playing the server anymore u 100% right but not cuz of what i did cuz i feel like its not that deep u niggas just retarded asf, oh so what if i killed a bunch of jew kikes it was funny af u niggas need sum humour in ur life i can imagine how depressing yalls life are dedicating 12+ hours everyday on that server and dont even play it right like i do, yall niggas some losers ong and take it how u want, if u say im just mad sure but it doesnt change the fact that i dont have to deal with a bunch of degenerate faggots that are pedos, rapists (most likely cuz half of those niggas weirdos and pedos), racists and overall scums. also a list of niggas i despise cuz they constantly on my cock starting with bunni come reply to this u fucking loser always in my threads like u must want attention so bad, next is james nigga stfu u a senior admin ya im happy to b off the server but damn nigga u like god of war u alr a faggot without knowing u, next is waffle dev nigga ur mom came over 3 times and never came back fking dorkie dork ass nigga LOL and canadian bacon u know i aint got no problem w u after all u did unban me and my faith was destined to be banned again as quick as possible ill see u niggas in 6 months to do the same thing again! also nigga leave it at the perma ban talm bout im clearly an idiot like so what a nigga wanna run over some jews they def deserved it maybe u should laugh it off but u cant cuz u have been miserable since u been since playing dont lie to me all u donators and niggas over 1000 hours plz for ur own good its a nice day today have some fun, talk to some women for once, life isnt all ab playing video games esp a mafia server LMAO hopefully yall with look at this as a lesson in life i wish yall an amazing thanksgiving. Life is beautiful but yall niggas wasting ur life but whats the point yall deserve to die anyway
  4. im crying about it? i think my message was pretty nonchalant i had no angry intentions over it but we can agree to disagree
  5. They portray me as a bad person, im a family guy fr
  6. Guys, okay, I know this may come off a little condescending and racist but I promise if you listen to what I have to say you will change your mind! -Better environment . All these jews be taxing and tryna act tuff with they guns and money they received personally from admins cuz they cant earn a single dollar themselves - Less problems such as people getting banned . Getting rid of jewish factions will help me become a better person, cuz nothing makes me crashout more that an overconfident jew - Inflation wouldn't exist . I mean do I really have to explain this? like these jew niggas got me fucked up everything is so expensive now even coffee thank you in advance
  7. u clearly need it fat ass nigga
  8. Your Character or Steam Name: divinelove Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561199103065288 Your Discord ID#: 738180401310335037 Reason for ban: mvdm + nitrp Length of ban: never Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Honestly I did run over those guys on the lift but saying its a mass vdm is crazy lmfao because i only ran them over once the 2nd time they shot me out my car while i was driving by and hit like 5 ppl that doesnt count. Why should you be unbanned? Perma ban over that is crazy, like i'd understand a 2 week ban or sum longer than my usual but saying i had no intent to rp is retarded just cuz i hit them once doesnt mean i dont wanna rp, plus me not intending to roleplay but the jews can own a fork lift and prop push themselves? ofc since they are jews they are immune to bans i assume. Anyways im not asking to unban me im jus asking to lift the perma ban cuz having to wait 6 months over a vdm doesnt make sense like ya i get it my record but all my other bans werent even bad only 1 day 2 days mac was 5 like the perma isnt justified imo. U can give me a month ban if u want but perma? i didnt even do nun besides run them over Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
  9. ik who yo peoples with jus watch over ur shoulder lil nigga
  10. i dont read ts also u not fina lil nigga me lil nigga i can bounce back n still make more money than u
  11. Name of Character: Christopher DeCicco SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/ghoulygod999/ Your Discord ID#: 738180401310335037 Date of PK: 10/10/2024 Reason for PK: I was told by admin it was a don hit because i left a faction Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: First off, I was never given any consequences towards leaving i even told one of the faction members about my dismissal and was given an ok and then i get knived while im afk at car dealer like no warning no nun i havent mug anyone ive been grinding my guy out just to get whacked cuz i left faction. I feel like i shouldn't be pked because they never gave me a heads up, for the place im working for now before getting pked i was told if i abandoned the crew id die. Fair as it is, i was never given a heads up ab this and still got pked like why? I told this to Logan (admin) and was suggested to make a pk. I know its annoying asf making one of these but i was actually grinding for my shit. I didnt know that was a thing u can get pked for i swear If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:
  12. Your Character or Steam Name: Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): https://steamcommunity.com/id/ghoulygod999/ Your Discord ID#: 738180401310335037 Reason for ban: Fail mugging + VDM Length of ban: 2d Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Im not even gon argue ab the fail mug i deserved the pk even though im telling the truth it doesnt even matter cuz i got no evidence but banning me for 2 days over a vdm? all the other tickets cuz u let me go besides the one that got me pked but it couldve just ended there, i ran over the dude because he shot my tire out when i accidentally hit the back of his car but it was after he shot at me and i took damage i hit him and dipped but he didnt die so i dont understand why the 2 day ban Why should you be unbanned? I jus feel like a 15 hour or day ban is justified 2 days is crazy ngl, like let a brother live the pk was justifiable but unban me baby bro if u do ill give u a cracked version of fl studio 12 Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
  13. i told him i had sex with your mother literally didnt mug him which is shown in the clip but believe what u wanna believe literally the dumbest pk ever i wasnt even fucking mugging this guy idc i let him in to process drugs idc what he did the dude prob deserved it anyway but ofc u still have to ban me couldnt stick w a pk stfu this aint an open space literally nobody asked u to state ur opinion, i know u a groupie but dont b saying its only a game when im in the right
  14. xuuvetyn

    Thanks bro!

    I understand, but can the length be for 1 day u cant just ban me for 2 things when i just did vdm and u pked me as a result so whats the point of the ban being 2 days like cmon
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