Name of Character: Vito Salerno
SteamID: 76561199581771806
Your Discord ID#: 1167608712094031872
Date of PK: 9/16/2024
Reason for PK: Robbery failure to comply
Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated? I wanted to cooperate with the dude when he was robbing me and my friend, He was asking me to put my hands up and asking and I stated I can't as I don't have a F7 muscle cause I have a 60% keyboard there is no way for me to press a F7 key to put my hands up if I dont even have the KEY I stated that and said I would comply he continued to count down and shot me. I didint have a gun I could even use against him if I was gonna use that. I feel its a simple mis understanding but I had nothing on me anyway.
If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:
I have a clip of the situation but there is no audio of my mic so I dont know if It would even matter if I showed it but I can show proof of not having a way to put my hands up.