I would also like to add that the player clearly broke multiple rules while ordering this PK. In the rules it states "Metagame = Using Out of Character information In-Character" The person who ordered this PK was not even on the character that he had originally attempted to rob me with when he threatened to have me PKed infront of the casino. The rules also state "Using OOC means of communication to perform a PK will invalidate it / the evidence for a PK. Using OOC terms over Mic, (Such as yelling "thats a pk, thats a pk!" After killing someone) may void the PK entirely. Remain in character at all times." This person did not remain in character as they said they would be having me quote "PKed" and although I again cannot provide evidence of our conversation infront of the casino he even broke RP in the rumors chat when he said I would be "posted on forums" if i did not show up to the casino. therefore using OOC information to threaten me into compliance