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bingus last won the day on June 17 2024

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Loyle Capo

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  1. Like I said in a comment to a previous suggestion, I don't think money laundering will ever work unless the server develops a way to distinguish between "legal/clean money" and "dirty money". @Bodges has a really good idea regarding this. End of the day though, aside from bi-weekly flat rate taxes, no one wants to report any sort of income or do document rp. I tried it before 3 years ago and it wasn't very popular at all.
  2. If a gun is more OP or dangerous, it won't be a class 1. If a gun is bigger than a pistol, it won't be a class 1. Guns are classed based on size, difficulty of use, and the danger they pose.
  3. money printing rp. Can only work if they add a dirty money / clean money system. @Bodges has a good idea for this.
  4. Enterprises with gambling licenses can already do horse races or sports betting. Nothing stopping them from doing it as long as it isn't rigged or fraudulent.
  5. Just put more thought and time into creating your character
  6. "serious roleplay environment" ?????????
  7. bingus

    DVLA / Licensing

    Old traffic suggestion a while ago -- https://divergenetworks.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=2698
  8. What you trying to throw away hmm?
  9. Marketplace (or Mall) area where people can setup stalls idk, maybe in or near the park? Also this:
  10. The "tools" cops have at their disposal is just shooting the guy that's running away from them, which is not what they're supposed to do lol
  11. +1 Always wanted to see the other stuff around the city like billboards, phone booths, and the static properties being used somehow and in some way.
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