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About SpiegelTheBestTopLaner

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  • Just when I thought I was out
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  1. Your Character or Steam Name: I love ApeSex (Steam) Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:617868145 Your Discord ID#: 379730043175174155 Length of ban: Perma Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I have been unbanned already from the server I just need my unban for the discord servers
  2. I am going to contribute in the community positively and a healthy manner by thinking more about my actions and not throwing baseless claims in an effort to diminish someones standing
  3. Your Character or Steam Name: Steam name (I Love ApeSex) Your SteamID (Click to retrieve) 76561199196002019 Your Discord ID#: 379730043175174155 Reason for ban: Loser! Length of ban: Permanent Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): During my time being banned I have distanced myself from my toxic friend group that heavily influenced my decisions in a negative manner. I would like to sincerely apologize for people that I have affected negatively and wish I could retract everything I said and or did to be able to play on the server again. During the 3 months I have been banned I have taken my time to improve myself and my demeanor. My friend group started many problems on the server and I have no desire to associate myself with them any longer as I seek a second chance to play the server once more. Why should you be unbanned? I think I should be unbanned to contribute to the server in a positive way. I have always enjoyed playing diverge. And as aforementioned I have distanced myself from my old friend group and have taken time to improve from my toxic tendencies. Although what me and my friends did was undoubtedly unforgivable I ask for forgiveness from Pendred and the people I offended. Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
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