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Everything posted by Hambugler
I didn't know we practice legal roleplay on the forums but sure, Izumi gave me the guns willingly. Nobody was "forced" to do anything, it's a videogame, you clearly don't know the full story and it shows. Nobody was "tricked" into anything.
"You are a plague that simply has no cure, you cause nothing but pain for everything around you. You get other people implicated without them even knowing about it," These are words you use to describe a bond villain with. Don't backpaddle now that I point out how ridiculous you sound when describing me.
Nigga what "pain have I caused around me". It's a GMod server, you need to relax and attach yourself back to reality. as for the "legal roleplay" point, that's an IC issue. You do know I am allowed to own a gun illegally in 1980s mafiaRP, right? I also saw you said I "Implicated people" in my "plots" like im some sort of manipulative GMod supervillian. Seriously you give me too much credit. Let's be honest now, the trans hoe supplied me with the weapons because I asked her to, nobody was "taken advantage of" or "manipulated" you speak in so much hyperbole it's scary.
Look at your own clip buster. You tell me to move OUT of the way, so I complied, THEN he opened fire, like I said this was out of my control we were just there to use the shooting range.
Your Character or Steam Name: hambugler Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561199062987199 Your Discord ID#: bibodanahindoniji Reason for ban: RDM Length of ban: forever Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Why should you be unbanned? So this all started when I left my Bar Hearing on my lawyer char, I was bar blacklisted for reasons not stated but the report was on misconduct (not quite relevant but thought its good to include) i then left the hearing with my friend (who was also banned) and we decided to go purchase some machine guns from my transgender friend who runs the diamond syndicate crime organization, after purchasing the guns; we decided to go to the PD to go test them out at the NYPD shooting range, to my shock, the judge who blacklisted me was still there so I decided to say hello and try to dispute my blacklist. To my shock, my friend opened fire shooting and killing officer owen davis and ayden kuna. Shortly after this I tried to run outside of the PD and then ADA Henry Collins started opening fire; so I responded fire and shot and killed him, I then thought about leaving the PD but im not much of a quitter so I went back in and saw that Isaac Niedermayer pumped my friend in the head and then shot me too. This is a misunderstanding; we did not intend to use the guns, we just wanted to test them out. but my friend was quick to open fire. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): heres a few clips of this interaction courtesy of Owen Davis https://streamable.com/pkrz6x | https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jmMXFdr9B-ZgSwANT?invite=cr-MSxzR3EsMTkwMzUzMzUwLA (as you can see in this clip I was very cooperative..)
who is it you think you are...
I agree and stated that my PO's are almost all inexcusable, however; I did not just minge and run around mugging people as you put it. People that interacted with me like LoganE would agree that I did RolePlay and wasn't just a minge who tried to coup diamond syndicate. Either way I do respect what you said here since it was honest and had some reasoning that the last reply didn't. Thank you for reading and taking time to respond.
I completely agree with almost everything you said there, we did know what we were doing and I specified this here "I was not aware; this doesn't mean I didn't have a mal intention in mind or should be a sole factor in me being unbanned" I also will still argue that there was no metagame in the sense that we were in a VC, funnily enough to be completely honest this was one of the only things we did that we weren't metagaming. I also agree that my PO's are almost all inexcusable and should be a factor in deciding to unban me and I would argue that I had some good RP characters like my cop char David Frost and my ADA char Bonetti, other than when I was RPing on those chars I would agree that when I was minging I offered nothing to the community and this would change if I was unbanned.
Very confused why you feel so strongly since the only real interaction we've had is you accepting my unban appeal, im happy to talk to you about what I did to cause this though if there is anything.
Your Character or Steam Name: hambugler Your SteamID: 76561199062987199 Your Discord ID#: bibodanahindoniji Reason for ban: Dipshit retard | Weasel | Trying to circumvent coup rules| Metagame | Mechanics abuse | Loser Length of ban: Permanent Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology Why should you be unbanned? I apologized to the person I wronged and he is fully onboard with me being unbanned. I understand that what I did was wrong and was considered mechanic abuse/circumventing the coup-rules. At the time however, I was not aware; this doesn't mean I didn't have a mal intention in mind or should be a sole factor in me being unbanned; because it's still completely ignorant of me to try to do a coup without fully-reading the coup-rules. I understand now that my actions would fall under the being a dipshit retard. However I will still dispute (depending on the full-reason) the metagaming, I think that what I did wasn't necessarily metagaming since I wasn't in a VC at all and am willing to show DM's, however I do understand the perspective of it being "me and my friend knowing each other OOCly and doing this ICly action" if that is why I was banned for metagaming; I totally understand and concede that reason. Overall, unbanning me would be giving me another chance to prove myself and I am in the understanding that what I did was my last chance however I truly am sorry and do ask for forgiveness. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): Thank you for those who read this.
Your Character or Steam Name: hambugler Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561199062987199 Your Discord ID#: hambugler Reason for ban: Circumventing coup rules, metagame, monkey, slimey etc... Length of ban: Perma Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology Why should you be unbanned? (Apology for context to ban) I want to start off by saying that I did reach out to the person that I 'pk'd' falsely (Izumi), we have really no beef currently and he said he would support my unban. What I did was selfish and only to benefit me (it was also stupid and it would've never worked) I had the surface level understanding on how PK's worked in crimeRP and I knowingly took advantage of the rules and a friend I had in the Diamond Syndicate (Izumi) to 'conspire' to coup the Diamond Syndicate faction. This was completely retarded and I'm embarrassed to say that I actually tried to do this since it genuinely had no plausible outcome other then me ending an established friendship or just getting Perma Banned, as stated previously looking back at the ban reason I can't agree more with what was said; what I did to Ruppert was slimey and 100% loop holing to benefit me in some retard way and I truly am sorry to Izumi for this entire ordeal that took place. (Apology for the first ban appeal) https://divergenet.works/topic/481-retard-number-2s-ban-appeal/#comment-1621 Looking back at the first appeal I really don't know what I was going for here, this was literally a coping session and I can't imagine how I genuinely expected that to get me unbanned from disputing even the most established details like me having "no mal intention" even though I stated I had mal intention. I am honestly more apologetic to anyone that fully read this appeal in it's entirety then Ruppert who at least got his character back within a few days, I also would like to apologize to Canadian specifically since he had to spend his actual time and resources evaluating it. This entire situation was a complete embarrassment front to back and again I'm not disputing any of the real material inside of it as not being with bad intention from my point of view. (In summary) In the end I accept the punishment given to me and get that the PO's contributing to it were hard to ignore and are still hard to ignore when actually accepting this since my history on this server has been full of punishments but when I got unbanned in December I did have some sort of portfolio behind me when leading up to the April ban that wasn't just being a minge and I would say that I did contribute to RolePlay more often then not when I wasn't just getting banned for RDM or circumventing coup rules. I understand that this would be my last straw and I completely understand why given the context laid out, thank you for reading. Additional Information (images, videos, etc.): no
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"If your vehicle was genuinely stuck, in which it shouldn't of been in the first place like you an I both stated, you should've called staff." - This all happened within a timespan of a minute and 30 seconds (max), at this point it was a minuet issue, staff would have been called if this escalated further and it became genuinely a hassle to get the car out but I was at max trying to push it out of the door for maybe 40 seconds, entire event a minute and 30. "You entered at your own will and disrupted other players roleplaying experience" - zero roleplay was occurring and there is no hospital roleplay to begin with, by disrupting if you mean that I lightly tapped and knocked over a guy who defiently didnt have any guns on him and no attachments were reset, then sure. if this was the PD or City Hall I wouldn't even be making this appeal now. "you do this on a daily basis" incorrect, ask anyone, baseless claim with no proof to back it up, I have many serious characters with serious roles in the server. (INCLUDING THE ONE THAT I GOT BANNED ON) "you would've called a staff member if your intentions were anything but malicious." already responded to, this took place within a minute and 30 (tops) and there was no inherent reason to call staff given that staff reports take about on average 2x that.
Do you happen to have a clip of these events? cuz Idk what backing into the slideway door is doing OTHER then attempting to leave the hospital, believe it or not the car doesn't respond to the slidedoor since it's... a car... again, I'm not denying it was stupid I entered the hospital because it was and saying otherwise would just be a lie.
Your Character or Steam Name: hambugler Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561199062987199 Your Discord ID#: hambugler Reason for ban: Minge | AVDM | POx5 Length of ban: One week Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Both. Why should you be unbanned? Explanation of events from my and my friends perspective (Dispute): To explain the story in a nutshell, I was messing around with friends and got my car stuck in the hospital, after doing this we tried to remove it through the door I want to state right now I was not trying to VDM or RDM in any way, was it dumb? yes. was it at all trying to fuck with other people or ruin their RP experience? not at all. Should this be why I get banned for 1 week? I'm gonna say no, I will state right now someone was hit however first off he was in the hospital so he clearly didn't loose any items and he also didn't even die, it was one person who was ran over and they were barley tapped, if theres a clip of it, it would show how obsolete of a tap that the car hit the guy with. It's also important to mention that no one's "RP was ruined" in any capacity anyone who says it was is either lying to themselves or mentally ill. Apology: I like to have this portion dedicated to the apology portion of the appeal, yes PO's obviously contributed to the ban for the length it was, and I do apologize and own up to most of the PO's being completely my fault (as they were), this is why I'm not asking for an unban but instead a reduction. For something so minor and obsolete with no mal-intention displayed whatsoever I just think that a week ban is a little to much, again, should I have ever backed a car into a fucking hospital? no. was it stupid? of course, I'm not ever gonna say it wasn't. Thanks for reading this appeal and I hope some grace could be given for this ban. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): Hopefully theres clips of the event, mine didn't reach that far back.
It literally disables the cop from shooting them when they have to (X) out of the ID prompft in the center of there screen. I actually don't have a problem with it being temporary mabye for like a week or so.
Some peoples names are incredibly long and just having an ID card to go off and type it all out can lead to error, plus since you are trying to look up someone's name and have an ID card in your screen means you can literally get shot at any second and are basically paralyzed from doing anything about it for a couple of seconds.
To clarify, there will be no more car flinging if my flags are given back...
Your Name: hambugler SteamID: 76561199062987199 Staff Member involved: Darkfire What flags were blacklisted from you?: PetFlags Reason for blacklist (if given): Prop Abuse Why should they be returned?: I accept and understand why they were taken, even though it was all in good fun and was fine by the car owners it still may have been annoying/disruptive to others, looking back there was no reason whatsoever to break the rules no matter what time it was or who was involved. If given the PetFlag back I will make sure to only use them for dupes or any other way to benefit the overall RP/Community instead of just being goofy with them.
Pretty sure I sold you a custom one I made
You can make boats with your props I got a dupe for one.
+1 James knows what he is doing and (if given the faction) will be able to do much more then he already has.
-1 he has people with cat profiles supporting him