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Gigachad Fabrizio

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  1. Hamir was fired for redacting a warrant on his own. He didnt go through the court system. All that had to be done, was ask the supreme judge for permission to redact it, which would be easy for you since the warrant itself got signed by a supreme judge.
  2. 26 LSD might be a very specific number, but thousands of drugs are traded everyday. There is no direct connection, between Ray Motts and Jeremiah Morgan, there is no solidified evidence connecting the two. You only worked on transfer dates, which even that was a little rocky, as I could've just been taking an LOA or gotten fired.
  3. Ray Motts had 0 connection to Jeremiah Morgan in any sort of IC documentation. I even left the PD discord when I was UC, so you couldnt check mutual servers. Mccloskey is irrelevant in this situation, because he's not involved whatsoever, nor did I even bring up his name, nor did he even sign anything for the case.
  4. PK Appeal Format Name of Character: Jeremiah Morgan SteamID: STEAM_0:1:121952555 Your Discord ID#: 194088770847375360 Date of PK: 2nd November 1988 Reason for PK: UC? Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: Multiple topics read down below 1. Potential Metagaming Fiasco 1.1. Maggy Finch, who is also a legacy main. 1.2.1. Maggy Finch doesn’t redact anything when its REQUIRED by Detective Chief Hamir Abdul in this message here. “[Link to the warrant (don't do this if it has snitches details, get a redacted version)]” Intentionally or not, I cannot prove that. Here you see the message that Maggy Finch sent to Jon Deaux (Laventine) Here in her ingame pager, you can clearly see that she notified the person (Jon Deaux) of this bank warrant, unsure of the exact timestamp, but it was sent 7 days ago. (27th of October). Jon Deaux turned himself in on October 31st, around 3pm EST. Now I do fully understand that lawyers can talk to clients while they’re in the jail cells. But how did Mr. DD get a hold of this link? Checking logs, it was never communicated on the server once. I do understand certain parts of discord messages can be in character, but if hes only out of jail for what? 4 days to spread this warrant all over the server, yet they take 11 days to act on it (time of warrant being sent to time of me leaving the faction)? They could’ve killed me when I was in the faction with much less risk. 1.2. Sergei, who is also a Legacy main, randomly adds all of the ADA’s to an already sealed ticket? Now why would that be, when its the only search warrant with my name written all over it? 1.2.1. Sergei got the bank warrant signed (that I did not create nor publish myself), with a long list of people still added to the ticket. 1.2.2. Sergei knows that Jon will be turning himself in because his “lawyer” said so…. Weird coincidence that Sergei, when getting on the server (DA’s almost never get on unless they have a purpose to be getting on.) Keep in mind, Sergei does have connections with Laventine people/the faction still. 1.2.3. Sergei telling me on the 27th OOCly wise they found out that I was a snitch, yet no IC documents had my undercover name on them whatsoever. (Yes this does not give them direct reason to PK, but it does give them even more to push on, and proves that it very easily got metagamed quickly) At the time I also was never in the PD discord, then they banned me from the Laventine Discord off ooc information. Yes the time frame might add up, but they had absolutely zero reasoning to know HOW I was the undercover name that I was. There was not a singular connection between my UC name and Jeremiah Morgan. TLDR for #1: Maggy is more on the edge of ‘did you do this on purpose’, when redacted copies are a possibility, even though in the end it might end up in the PK, it would’ve prolonged the death at minimum. The search warrant was filed in the Supreme Court, common sense would say this as the process. 1. Get the ticket locked down to one judge. 2. File the full copy with the Supreme Court 3. Get a redacted version to send to the public/people involved until further notice/court trial Sergei has multiple ties, and multiple ends where he potentially was either metagaming, or feeding information to the wrong people on purpose. The timestamps barely add up to when everything happened, especially the 11 day wait from the warrant being handed out, and then the kill actually happening, like I said before, they could’ve killed me when I was in the faction with much less risk of cop involvement, and on top of that one of their own guys getting pked out of this because cops shot him down. 2. Infinite Chances on PKing undercovers by rules. (Contesting Rules) 2.1. Undercover PK rules are all under server rules first of all. 2.2. When you infiltrate a faction while undercover you can be PK'ed at anytime. - At some point in legal RP, names need to be shown. You cannot simply have a “shadow witness”, someone who talks, but never comes forward publicly. It simply is not allowed in law, they have the right to face their accuser. 2.3. Factions may PK you after you have left your undercover position if they are able to prove that it was you who infiltrated them. -This has no time frame selected, hence infinite timeframe to figure it out. When someone goes to trial, they are handed a criminal complaint, which has a linked evidence 2.4. This 'left faction' reason is valid for 2 weeks after the individual leaves your organisation. If you failed to notice or care before those two weeks expired then clearly this person was not important enough to warrant going after. (Exceptions made if they snitch, falls under a different pk reason) However note that the target not logging on does not affect your ability to place the hit in-game. So give the in-game order before the 2 week expiration, regardless if they log in or not and you will still be permitted to carry out the hit later down the line. (Be careful! If they have already joined a new gang you may have to have an in-game sit down to sanction the hit or you may risk damaging your reputation with the faction they are now in) TLDR for #2: You can either 1. Get caught like I did by a mistake of a slip up, or an on purpose slip up, who knows. 2. Evidence at some point needs to be provided to someone outside of the Judges office, DA’s office, or even Lawyers/Public Defenders Office. There is no limit on how long you can take to find out someone was undercover in your faction. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: all attached above
  5. So taking IC to OOC? IC reasoning for an OOC longer punishment?
  6. Your Character or Steam Name: Fabrizio Faugno Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:121952555 Your Discord ID#: 194088770847375360 Reason for ban: AMRDM and LTAP Length of ban: 3 days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I don't think AMRDM is just, I wasnt LTAPing I was just done playing for the day. There is nothing in the rules, that states that I should stay on after dying. Why should you be unbanned?: I have no POs to anything, my intent was not to mass kill. I am sorry for the guy I did accidentally kill. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): I didnt get any clips of it, because I went to bed right after.
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