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  1. Which wouldn't of happened if you hadn't lied about a witness statement to get a greenlight for arrest. How do you stream record and only show the part where you caught a PK ?
  2. I still think you should show a clip of your interaction with her, which shouldn't be a problem as I know you were streaming the whole thing in a vc and were clipping the interaction of PKing me. I don't think it's fair to allow this PK to go through without confirming you had absolute reason to question me twice, especially when the crime in question wasn't me and I have to lose a character because you failed to locate the actual suspect. 30 minutes had passed from me being let go and you chose to come back again with information I had already told you, yet you used it to try and arrest me this time. without the witness agreeing or any evidence that she pointed at me this whole thing should be nullified. Just seems like you cops were trying to PK hunt at 3 AM cause you were bored if you're only clipping your kills and not your witness questionings. This is just your assumption when assuming I had fired a firearm, and the reason you didn't push further was because you lacked evidence. The evidence you guys needed would have came from the woman also running away with me which was @poco who is denying she gave you any hints that it was me, influencing me to ask for a clip of that interaction from the police claiming she said otherwise. Because that whole interaction of trying to arrest me wouldn't have happened without it and she didn't tell them it was me, after 30 minutes it should have been put to rest but instead you tried to corner me into an arrest with lacking evidence, forcing me to use fearRP of getting locked up for 45 years and trying to get out of it (albeit I may have been wrong on this part, but I had assumed a felon with a gun would probably get locked up for awhile, and I didn't know at the time if they were investigating a murder or not, which in my mind would increase the time long enough for a PK) I'm just not trying to get my main character PK'ed because some guy was shooting on the server at 3-4 AM with 8 people on. There was no evidence and the evidence being claimed is from a woman denying it outright in the appeal. I think it's an unjustified and petty PK for something so stupid that I wasn't even apart of.
  3. Not when it's kill baiting, PK hunting, etc. She's new and doesn't have a clipping software yet. But if you had the software to clip shooting me, surely you recorded the entire interaction, including her saying what you're claiming. She says she didn't though, which again invalidates your whole story of having reasonable suspicion from a witness.
  4. I'm just asking for a clip because the woman you 'questioned' is my friend and denied your attempts at questioning, invalidating your argument that you had 'confirmation' it was me.
  5. Crazy because I know the blonde woman (Chelsea Moore) and I know you never questioned her. If you have evidence of this otherwise feel free to show a clip but she's telling me otherwise and will be making an account to respond to this appeal.
  6. your claim of a witness bears pretty fruitless, because the only two people that were near at the time were Toni Rigatoni and Chelsea Moore, who both could vouch I was not the shooter, but you didn't question either of them and instead a mystery 4th guy told you it was me? Who was this 4th witness? Do you have footage of that? Does your original clip contain the entirety of the situation or just the moment where you forced me into a PK interaction?
  7. Name of Character: Jeddie Bashabich SteamID: STEAM_0:0:11101 Your Discord ID#: miisf1t Date of PK: 9-4-2024 Reason for PK: Killed by the cops Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I believe kill baiting me was involved. I also believe that their reasoning to search me was invalidated and they overall had no reason to suspect me yet forced me into an interaction anyways at 3-4 AM. Me and Chelsea Moore were running from the area where a black man with a white shirt ran down near where the Hardware store is, because someone opened fire on him. We both run up to tell the cops people were shooting at each other down that way and they run to go take care of it. I continue to chill outside of my job when they approach me to ask a few questions, like if I have a gun license or if I have a gun on me right now. I tell them no and that I'm just finishing my shift until I leave for the night. They say alright and leave me be for about 30 minutes. I'm talking to a buddy of mine when they rush back up to me, saying that my ID is not registered for a firearm, which I told them that it wasn't originally. I asked why I was being detained and they couldn't give any valid reasoning or suspicion, but told me I was being detained for not having a registered gun license, even though I had already told them that, and they had never seen any shooters, or me with a gun. But they still detained me and attempted to arrest and search me. I had a gun on me though, and My char was already a registered Felon so I was afraid I'd get sentenced over 45 years at 3AM and face a PK for that over an unjustified search on my person for a crime they didn't even see. I believe it's kill baiting because I had originally told them I had no gun or no license, and they said I was free to go, yet they come back 30 minutes later saying they scanned my ID and I wasn't registered so they're going to arrest me...? the whole situation felt unjustified and artificial. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: I don't have any recordings of the situation, And I'd like to ask that any clip the police provide start from the beginning of the interaction to the end, to show how long time has passed since I was originally let go before being detained again. I do not feel like this death is fair in anyway because there was no reasoning to come at me twice within a 30 minute time frame for the same crime. You may not bait someone into a PK. This means that starting a confrontation in order to escalate it then use that as a reason to PK someone, this is not permitted. This includes mugging or kidnapping to abuse Fear RP PKs -What is considered an attempt to arrest / detain you: Attempting to handcuff you Verbally telling you, you are being detained / arrested ("You are being detained", "You are under arrest") Firing their tazer at you Pointing their gun at you and ordering you to surrender/stop moving/get down/turn around. (Fear RP basically) You must have a valid reason to place someone under fear RP (Valid Mugging, Valid Kidnapping or any Valid Kill reason); placing someone under Fear RP without reason or just in order to bait a PK is not permitted and may result in a ban or character removal (This can include any mugging or kill reasons. When doing this you are at risk of possible PK if killed) They had no reason to suspect me or detain me and the situation had ended 30 minutes prior to the confrontation. I had a gun on me but the police had no way of knowing that and had never seen it, yet they come back to me to try and arrest me. I told them I had no gun license, they run my ID and come back 30 minutes later to tell me the same thing, only that this time it means I'm under arrest? I do not find this situation fair and I'd like a full clip prior to the shooting, because at that point I was forced into a PK situation anyways, either through a 45 year felony charge or shooting the police, but all of this stemmed from again something I didn't even do, and they had no evidence other than I was running away from the general area of the shooting with 2 other people, who WERE NOT even asked any questions themselves and I was the only person detained twice for this mystery crime the cops never even seen.
  8. Your Character or Steam Name: Jeddie Bashabich | Gelato Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:11101 Your Discord ID#: miisf1t Reason for ban: Arguing with staff Length of ban: Unknown / Indefinitely Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Trying to get a job is a bitch without the main discord, and that sucks because I joined the game with a serious intent albeit getting caught up in a ban. I acknowledge I should have accepted the 3 day ban and the staff's agreeance with denying my initial ingame ban appeal. I understand going after the banning admin, denying admin, and owner after being denied isn't a way to make a situation worse, and that me being frustrated over the ban being justified or not, does not justify going after the staff of the game. I've played the game way back and know the game is good, and I actually want to play. I turn passionate when in wanting things to be fair for all parties involved, and I took it too far dragging it in general chat. Now that the initial ban is over I'd like to just move past it and play the game for the intended purpose. I want to apologize to @anzati1 for our initial interaction, @Byte @Pendred @Canadian-bacon, and anyone else that may have been apart of my outlash at staff. I'm new coming back into this so I'm still not familiar with everyone, and with that statement I should understand I judged the staff and the owner to quickly and wish to start over with just playing the game. Why should you be unbanned? I will stay out of the text chats within the main discord, using it only for its intended in game purpose and I will avoid further rule breaks ingame and out. I've been playing the game without the discord seriously since my unban and have read to understand the rules to make sure this happens. Again, I want to apologize and just lay it to rest. I'll do better I'm just tryna play. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): None
  9. Far from spam... The officer above you told you in character to read them out anyways even while I was talking over you in character. Afterwards I did say I'd take a Lawyer and that was the whole reason you came back 4 times telling me you were waiting for a lawyer, and the whole reason you had to tell the lawyer you had found that he pulled up for nothing after admin randomly auto pleas. Doors. you explained doors and how VOIP worked. That's literally it lol.
  10. This was never said, never happened, and is an outright lie. you never once explained the lawyer system to me, the only time you explained anything was about the door after you gagged me to insult me for my voice. AFTER THAT, I insulted you for your arrogance and snarky behavior as an admin. "Back the fuck up from the door or im banning you for a week." is level headed to you? Explain that? the Character was belligerent, drunk, and just got into an accident and placed in cuffs. For the sake of roleplay, he was non compliant. However, I allowed the arresting officer to read the miranda rights without asking if i would take a plea or a lawyer. Thats when I called staff, and I don't think it's professional at all to take a sit with someone you literally just insulted. Which you did. Multiple times. I more or less think you just couldn't remember any "insults" i threw at your behavior, rather than your character. It was YOU only who insulted people truly. Again, this also never happened. I'm certain for a fact I only made the same admin call twice, and I given it time between them as I waited for the officer who kept walking past the cell without giving me any info. I understand there is a log system within the game? You can pull this log to see simply that I only made two admin calls. But you want to say I "Spammed". I'm getting a sneaking feeling this admin guy isn't gonna bring any evidence of me spamming or me insulting him. I will emphasize again how unjustified this ban is.
  11. Your Character or Steam Name: Jeddie Bashabich Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:11101 Your Discord ID#: miisf1t Reason for ban: ' Low Quality Player ' Length of ban: 3 days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I believe the ban is unjustified and was nothing more than the admin on scene intensifying the situation for no reason, and proceeding to fight with and insult me. It started with me being arrested for being inside of a vehicle that ran into a cop. My character at the time was a belligerent drunk and was being more on the non compliant side. I was arrested and read my miranda rights and then told to sit in the cell. I was not given an option to plea guilty or speak with a lawyer. I sat in the cell for a period of time before I tried communicating with the police. Being a new player i was unaware that speaking through the cell bars was not possible. At this point a voice from an invisible man barks at me, demanding I get back from the door I didn't realise I was blocking or he'll ban me for a week. I respond with "wtf I'm trying to see how long im in here". And this is where he gags me before I can keep going and says "I'm gonna speak to you while your gagged because your voice is annoying". He flings more insults before ungagging me to let me speak my side after he goes on his tangient about not being able to speak through the bars and that i should have known this some how. I call him out on his arrogance and tell him he's doing too much but he gags me again. Then I'm forced to sit and wait some more before they ask me if I want to plea guilty or get a lawyer. I go for the lawyer which subjects me to even more waiting while gagged, so I call an admin. the same admin who had an issue with me decides to come and then just tells me im not gonna get my lawyer because he's gonna auto plea me because he "said so". The admin I am speaking of goes by Antizir on discord. The whole situation upset me and the admin took away all possibilities of roleplay to sit there and ego trip the whole time. He even chose to take my ticket rather than let another member of staff handle it, and he only continued to worsen the entire situation. They had finally found me a lawyer and the admin still refused to allow me to speak with them just to spite me. Gagged this whole time, as the arresting officer drags me to file in my arrest, I type in chat "honk mimimimi" displaying my distaste for the lame interaction that was stripped of any roleplay because of this power tripping admin. Why should you be unbanned? I should be unbanned because I wasn't even in the server for 10 minutes before this entire situation breaks out. While I was attempting roleplay, the arresting officer was robotic and didn't allow for roleplay, and neither did the admin on duty. the admin took to insulting my character's voice and calling him annoying, only for the same insults to continue over to me irl after i call him out on the behavior OOCly. Over all the entire situation was escalated because of Antizir, and I believe the 3 day ban was more fueled by an ego trip. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): It being my second day back to the server after years, I was not recording or had any software open at the time to do so, as I wasn't expecting such a dramatic situation with a member of staff. However, maybe the staff in question will be able to bring any evidence he has to this appeal displaying his behavior at the time, As I feel like it'd be more commonplace for him to be recording his admin sits. We'll see.
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