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Jack Mitchell

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Everything posted by Jack Mitchell

  1. Your Character or Steam Name: Jack "Junior" Mitchell/Conmitchel606 Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):76561199001414686 Your Discord ID#: Mitchell29#1828 Reason for ban: Ltap Length of ban: 5 days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I know I have been banned for this in the past but I just wanted to say that this time I legitimately did not leave on purpose, the server crashed on my end and I told the man who was arrested where I was at on discord to let them know that. I immediately joined back and stayed in the spot where they originally confronted me and told the guy on discord to let them know bc one of the officers said he was going to call staff. I stayed on for another 3ish hours and not once did I get pulled into a staff sit or talked by staff to explain myself. I went to go join earlier today and that's when I found out I was banned. I can see why one would automatically think that was the case but I did not LTAP and I wanted to give my side of the story bc no staff members talked to me even tho I immediately joined back after getting the crash message. Why should you be unbanned? If you guys decide not to unban me it's not like I am banned forever so ill know next time to have evidence that I can show to prove my case but I think I should be unbanned becuase what I did was not on purpose and I joined back immediately and kept playing so that it wouldn't look as if that was what I did and so I could explain to staff what happened but I was never pulled into a sit. Additional Information (images, videos, etc)
  2. Make Restaurants liable to be investigated by law if they are not open and operating when someone's on. there's like 20 businesses on the server and its pretty rare that any restaurants or bars are being operated when there's people on that can operate it. this would things a little more realistic but also actually promote rp and make the server feel a little more lively again bc recently it seems like there is no rp other than drug interactions and police interactions
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