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Everything posted by Falcon

  1. Hello, You were PKd Dons Order'd for the reason: "For making the family look bad upon several instances in the past 6 months and calling 911 against known allies". After checking their IC family rules via their discord, one of the rules specifically states: "Never bring unnecessary heat to the Family. For example Police, other family's, etc." I've asked and was told you called 911 on known allies to your family, that was the "nail in the coffin" as it was put to me. Remember when signing up for a life of crime, you need to agree to the rules put towards you when getting recruited, as these can get you walked into a room.
  2. You didn't post a proper steam id, but I was the one who banned you. I had reports of you and several other people hanging out around park speaking entirely OOCly (I call it VRchatRP but that's irrelevant). Once I tp'd over, not only was it that, but you were in a blue car doing donuts in the street, and then 2 minutes later were purposely trying to hit the crowd of people, hitting one at a time after several attempts. I gave you a note for this and informed you to stop as well as to stop breaking NLR because every time someone shot and killed you for it, you'd run right back or take your car back, breaking NLR. (I have a clip of the entire thing but it was on my staff character, disallowing me to post it on this public post. If any Seasoned+ staff wish to see it, they can obv dm me and request it.) I don't know, 15-25 minutes later I get around 4 tickets of MVDM at Little Italy, and then I'm sent a clip of one person (who yes, was banned before you for the same thing) ramming into a crowd of people at the Little Italy ATM, and then soon after you come flying up the road and plow into his car. You've been in the city long enough to know that the ATM in little italy is a hotspot for crowds of people, there is no doubt in my mind that you didn't "accidentally put your foot the floor and planned on simply crashing into a wall not knowing people would be there". This is just one of those common sense things, if someone was genuinely interested in playing on the server and avoiding trouble, you had 0 signs of showing that whatsoever. Fully against an unban as I feel like personally this ban was too short in length as it is given your style of gameplay. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/joFecNHxPtktdIL8J/UrBlAxuQFpJP?invite=cr-MSw3TDksMTMwMTAxMTI1LA
  3. Falcon

    Ban Appeal

    The sit I took was for someone that infact, did not do any damage to you. Yes, the person at the meat shop pistol whipped you, that gives you reason to kill him. Not to attempt to mow down the entire group. You're not John Wick, we have ROE rules for specific people and specific circumstances to avoid this kind of gameplay. You were antagonizing them consistently looking for any reason to open fire on them which tells me you have no value for your character's life at all, and were clearly looking for trouble. You had the right to kill the person who pistol whipped you, or not, you know walking away and not getting yourself into this mess would've been a solution, but modern gamers ya know..... https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jnX9ro911V0l_nr9s/CXmrdzPzKQ4f?invite=cr-MSxJcjAsMjE3NjcwNjI4LA You also have prior RDM notes including one or two that involve "RDM - lieing to staff" which tells me this isn't the first time you've gone out looking to push the envelope, and then try to get out of it with BS. If you don't want to get into these situations, don't escalate them, if a crowd of people are telling you to get out of their sight and stop shit talking them, the best option is to leave the area, not look for any reason to open fire on them in the middle of the street not caring about repercussions at all.
  4. +1. He's retarded, but I've seen astronomically worse offenders get redemption. He's just a builder that got bored. He knows what not to do next time, and hopefully there aren't any more next times.
  5. There was no metagame, all involved parties' stories lined up. Your neighbor was firing off rounds, someone made a 911 call right outside your room, an officer was nearby and said he heard the shots as well, called for backup. That's probable cause for ghetto doors to start getting kicked in, especially the ones near the 911 call, this is the last thing I say on this matter as I feel like I'm a broken record at this point.
  6. Hello, I pk'd both of you. I've also explained like 3 times in the admin sit exactly why you guys were pk'd as well as after the fact in DMs with even another reason. I don't know how else to explain this to you if you can't understand the fact that not only did you recently mug someone and were pk active, but you and your friend both had guns up on your door with the police breaching (Literally nobody else can just kick your door open other than police; you'd hear lockpicking if it was a civilian raid), then I don't know what to say anymore. Your friend opened fire on police and with both of your guns up, now is not the time for police to ask questions, it's a fat RIP.
  7. Falcon


    I'm going to try and be as respectful as possible, but I'm very concerned about your level of common sense. You and your friend threatened to spread a player's first name around the server if they didn't pay you 10k, he told you to fuck off. Even I told you to cut the shit and leave him alone or you'd be banned, then I proceeded to hear you say his name another 5+ times. If you couldn't fix the issue at hand when warned, why should you be unbanned? So you can do it again? Absolutely against this appeal and overall this degenerative behavior.
  8. Falcon


    I'm going to try and be as respectful as possible, but I'm very concerned about your level of common sense. You and your friend threatened to spread a player's first name around the server if they didn't pay you 10k, he told you to fuck off. Even I told you to cut the shit and leave him alone or you'd be banned, then I proceeded to hear you say his name another 5+ times. If you couldn't fix the issue at hand when warned, why should you be unbanned? So you can do it again? Absolutely against this appeal and overall this degenerative behavior.
  9. This is where I properly format a paragraph to fully explain the situation, but I'm half asleep so I'll just get to the point Audio or not your intentions were clear and were a danger to the police and their lives warranting them feeling the need to put you down. fully against a reversal, you knew what you were doing and had god knows how long to rectify it by getting out of the car and putting your hands up. TLDR; Play stupid games win stupid prizes
  10. Hello, https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jhgxYdqO6DPMmrA2j/I8Wf3JvSnW4P?invite=cr-MSxKalMsMTI5NDQyNTI4LA You killed a cop for a routine ID check for a weapon you were brandishing in public. If the events would've led to a felony arrest, we require that you at least wait until you get to the arrest part / whenever he pulls his handcuffs out for this to be a valid kill. He was not in the process of arresting you for a felony, he didn't even have a chance to open the firearm license spreadsheet. And then 3 minutes later, with possible police and / or staff intervention potentially coming your way, you DC, hence the LTAP. Also, not only do you have several notes / warns for RDM and other rule breaks, but your last note literally says you RDMd a cop for giving you a citation. That should've been your wake-up call to read all rules regarding killing police before attempting it again. I'm not even going to lie, the original ban time I was going to set for a week, but I had noticed you haven't been banned since 2023 so I figured 3 days with that much history on the server not only should you know better, but you've been alright for a while so I know if I was in your position I'd want the staff member to at least take it into consideration. I wouldn't be opposed to reducing this ban
  11. Falcon

    Cyanide Pill

    Could save the cops a lot of time. Think about the department's efficiency !
  12. Falcon

    Pk Appeal

    Hello. An Order from the Don or one of his most trusted command of the Crime family you were associated with placed an order on you to be PKd. The reason was for: "Bringing too much heat to this thing of ours" If I were to guess, you were seen causing too much attention and attracting the police by the family. Each time you join a faction a window will pop up essentially telling you like "hey, you're literally joining the life of a crime family, don't be dumb dumb or you're gonna get pop popped". Now; I'm not calling you dumb. I have not witnessed what you did, but that is generally the jist of what that window says when you sign up to be associated with a mob.
  13. Every person on this thread at one point got into what they thought was a "multi-player conflict" and got a lucky snap on the potential next person and had that thought to themselves "Damn if someone was spectating me I'd prob be accused of cheats that flick was so good". Looking at the video, it looked like that grey suit guy popped up, Izumi probably thought it was a friend coming to the rescue and was working with the mugger, their flick was reasonable, and he stopped as soon as he realized dude was unarmed. We have good systems and investigative processes that can catch people cheating, if suspicions were raised, I would've had someone spectate them or spectated them myself for a duration that seemed reasonable to prove whether or not they truly have cheats. Right now the case is 1 arguable flick that makes this case look weak and half-assed. This was a freak flick on a beat up old leather couch, shit happens. I feel like this player has too much time, money, and effort invested into the server to be treated like that white t shirt months ago that headshotted 20 people in 5 seconds with cheats. This could've been looked into a little more. Also as someone who has used cheats in other games, cheaters know they have to set that shit to headshots or chest shots minimum. A lot of players who dont use cheats are very good at getting headshots which can kill a cheater a lot quicker than the cheater's 10 leg shots. I don't see why someone would set their target to someone's nutsack, seems counterproductive if you actually wanna guarantee a win for a shootout. Overall +1
  14. Falcon

    Ban Appeal

    See, what I was looking at when I was banning you was not only your lengthy record of notes, but the clip provided to me at the time. Usually before an admin makes a decision, they bring the person to get their side / any evidence they may be able to provide before banning them. This was not the case however with you, as you left the server. We act on it whether you're on the server or not, we don't wait for the person to come back online to pick back up where the ticket left off. I've watched your video, in it's entirety, twice. Rules are black and white yes, but every situation is different to another. Most staff have been around long enough to be able to tell when it's a clear rule break, when it isn't, and when it's dancing on the line of a rule break, and even if it is that questionable, almost always they ask for help and get a 2nd opinion. Your clip solidifies my punishment (in my mind). You're a cab driver for New York City and you are threatened in a known area for organized crime, literally called Little Italy, with guns, and verbal commands. You had ample opportunity to either A) flee the scene like most cab drivers would, or B) channeling your inner most John Wick and taking care of the threat. You had ample opportunities to do either, you chose neither. You stood around, ran around, drove your car the opposite direction from the problem at hand, basically everything but your 2 options when faced with an active threat, and waited until everyone but you moved on from the situation to kill him. Again, with your history of notes for quite a lot of different things, this looked malicious. Upper staff will decide if this is worth reducing or removing, but that's where I stand on it.
  15. Falcon

    Ban Appeal

    https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/j9UBGBdKVTpqLUEkK?invite=cr-MSx4WnEsMTc3MzQ0NTUs As far as the clip goes, this is RDM. If someone gives you a reason to kill them, you only have right then and there to kill the guy. You can't just pocket kill reasons and kill them when you feel like it. This clip clearly shows the guy just standing there and you killing him, and then you DC from the server about a minute or two after.
  16. +1 big time, they're just aesthetic or for the incredibly poor
  17. Not the official admin that set you active, he'll have a response soon. But the "This doesn't apply if they have partaken in criminal actions". I walk all new recruits straight to the vendor after hiring them and watch them order their Meth. The admin who set you active will provide the proof that was provided to him that this was a valid Don's order for defection. I figured you knew this since your friend got wacked before you and told you since the 2 of you were oddly keeping an eye on me with his new character the whole time I was on for a week while you were still pk active.
  18. I'd like to branch off the Default English language with a Roadman addition as a learnable language in the server. I got this idea from the recent addition of Sicilian, basically branching off the italian language. TLDR: I've included a video that should be a good lesson to Roadman 101. To keep it short and simple, if you hear a lengthy conversation with 2 roadmen talking to each other you really wouldn't have a clue what they are saying even if you speak English, making it worthy to consider as a language for I don't know, Diamond, and maybe the Irish as a secondary language if they wanted to. Commands can be: /ting /tingwhisper /tingyell
  19. You were Dons Ordered for not paying your kick ups and apparently being "incompetent". These usually aren't disputed as well.... you're in a crime family it's best to follow the rules especially when it comes to earning, otherwise you can get wacked.
  20. Hello, I was the one who removed your flags as well as the others. We received a few tickets regarding "several hijab guys running around prop minging". The first sit was regarding this video below, with you standing next to him, clearly not being vocal against the person's actions, so that was suspicion #1 that you guys were doing it together and encouraging each other to do it: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iYnL4A4Fi2slOfYHf/cdSr7InutZ4S?invite=cr-MSx2dHosMjUzNzg5ODAyLA So I took that one guy's flags away, then the very next sit, another guy claiming it's "some guys in hijab clothing prop abusing", then I'm sent the following clip which then made me investigate by looking up the specific prop used; resulting in me seeing you, him, and another hijab wearer spawning in the exact same prop. I then TP'd to where you spawned it in, and it was in the middle of the road by the LSD dealer / city hall. This put me in a position to make a choice: (1) Make a judgement call and take both their flags away to stop people from having their time on the server ruined and piss off 1 person, or (2) give the 1 person the benefit of the doubt and risk even more tickets coming in, making me look like I'm allowing people to do this and set a bad precedent. This was a judgement call for you specifically, but in my opinion I've seen the "only have 1 person break the rules until he's banned then the next person, then the next person, etc. etc. so we can troll for as long as possible" a LOT of times, and this was my way of getting ahead of it: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iYo0XRNAeLJ9RnvGP/4uC6VQFvNuuc?invite=cr-MSw3YXUsMTI5NDQyNTI4LA Now as for "not explaining anything to you" part; you're wearing hijab clothing. That tells me you are nowhere near new to the server. You know only super admins + can re-enable pet flags for someone who was blacklisted, making a sit to discuss it would be completely pointless and a waste of both our times as there were tickets covering my whole screen that needed to be addressed and time was of the essence to get them done. For whether or not you should get them back, that's much higher than my pay grade, and they'll decide that, but in the end I genuinely believe all of you had some hand in prop abusing as 3 people wearing the same outfits spawning the same prop of all props in different areas of the map didn't add up to something harmless, especially with prop abuse clips as bad as those. EDIT: The log and location of where you spawned in the metal gate prop:
  21. Falcon

    Note Appeal

    Hello, I gave you the note, and to be honest, it really wasn't HORRIBLE pet flag abuse; I've seen much worse. But black & white rule-wise, you were building on another person's property (before I knew it was a simple mistake). The only reason I gave you the warning was because the owner of the gas station definitely was nowhere near happy about it, and based on your history of warns and how far back they go, I figured you knew better. However, I also remember you saying in voice that it was apart of another dupe, and it was a mistake etc, etc, I heard ya on that, was kind of too late because I already gave you the note, so I was definitely expecting an appeal. I would not be against removing this note off her record.
  22. Falcon

    Char ban appeal

    Yeah it was a late PK, but it was from the previous night. You were clipped shooting at police and killed in the process: https://medal.tv/?contentId=iDuXpa5JypzGPQzRQ&invite=cr-MSxxcHUsMTk3ODM4Mjc5LA&spok=d1337HbUSgV2
  23. I was told you were recently punished or some shit in that family and you were "crashing out" as it was put, and mass RDMd then disconnected right after. Clip below, this was a sound ban m8. https://medal.tv/?contentId=iCaEqobWXZazNEgoz&invite=cr-MSxrc0osMTA4NDA5NjAwLA&spok=d13378FDi7Bu
  24. I banned you, I've updated your ban to say " RDM POx1". I hit 2 on accident. But yes I was sent a clip of you firing shots at someone missing all of them, and then you killed them. You need to give 3 warnings verbally to someone to leave an area, not just point a gun and start shooting at them, that would be seen as ARDM. Then calling them warning shots, going after the person who has left your property and was continuing to leave, and then killing them is RDM. You have a prior very recently, like August 26th. clip: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iCWQKv44S1XlvTUCm/d1337c9WcyP5?invite=cr-MSx6ZUosMTk3MTkzNTEwLA
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