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Posts posted by caboose

  1. 15 hours ago, Otto Rothschild said:

    Here is the first two minutes of me being inside of the bank, I got out shortly after this clip but I wasnt able to fit the whole 2 minutes 30 ish seconds into the medal time frame.


    I dont see anything wrong, they unlocked the door not even 10 seconds after they locked it. There wasnt any prop blocking there as well, you couldve walked out the door multiple times in the clip.

  2. 1 hour ago, Carpenter said:

    I’m unsure what in particular you wanted me to “reach out to you” about.
    1.) People do not typically go talking to the person they just PKed as far as I am aware.
    2.) I was permanently banned from Diverge and did not know how to contact you outside of that. And I was not going to go around asking “Hey! Do you know a way I can talk to Susan Medici?”
    Nor do I understand why you would presume I was seeking to cause harm or damage to “multiple people/factions.” I had no reason to do so. OOC, I was on generally good terms with everyone as far as I am concerned. And genuinely, I do not recall ever explicitly speaking with or to you. I don’t doubt that for my short period as a Lucchese associate, we may have come in contact as I was somewhat "friends" with Pistol P when I had first joined the server. Besides that, I do not remember having any sort of possible contact with you. I still hold to the fact that as the mugging took place I was not targeting you. I do not personally know you.
    Either way, I appreciate your response.

    You really are trying to skate around the fact you didn't know me is just funny now. You don't remember the night you did everything and how to even got to that point?
    YOU personally asked me IC to get the keys fixed in room H (When there are plenty of other associates in the city/out front of Imperial and could've actually put in a ticket for it) and as soon I LOOC in the room (Which was in logs/screenshot lmao before it happened) I'm gonna switch to my staff char to get it resolved in the room you and your buddies (The ones who were unauthorized to even have whitelists to 14k) decided to mug me there. I'm not even going to argue anymore, letting UA make their decision on this mess. 

    • Helpful & Informative 1
    • Dumb 1
  3. I'm all for 2nd chances, but you never once even reached out on the incident to me when all it happened and on later dates.. You totally knew who I was, we actually spoke a handful of times IC and in VC idk why you have to even lie other evidence shows exactly that. Clearly you wanted to cause damage to multiple people/factions not just me, and honestly one less person like you in Diverge is a win for the community. 


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    • Disagree 1
  4. Due to the circumstances, This issue shoudve been resolved via a sit before any punishment. All I seen in the clips was simple harrasment and couldve been handled IC.

    Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

    The ban will be lifted from your account shortly. If it was deemed an invalid ban, it will also be removed from your record.


  5. +1 Its about time he put in a staff app. Ive known Morty for awhile on Diverge, he is a good friend and player. I can picture him being a good candidate for staff.

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  6. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

    The ban will be reduced to 10 days.


    Scamming at the rate you two were going was mass scale, but due to your notes/logs this should have been a firm warning.

    Due to you admitting the metagaming I will reduce the ban, consider this a final warning on both infractions.

    Please use the time left to review the rules here: https://divergenet.works/forum/8-rules/

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  7. Personally, I don’t think this is a bad idea at all. This would prevent minge cops from targeting people they have names of when he/she comes online. I’ve seen the issue happen quite a few times in the past... Showing ID should only be a temporary thing so a cop or a gun store employee can check records.

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