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  1. RealMF

    Calabria Crew

    This is not true, Civics isn't even out yet...
  2. yes hello mods!! i was mugging someone and i was also in discord vc with my friend orchestrating a mugging! i got pk'd and i am sad because i died and its unfair because im entitled! please unpk me because im telling you to!
  3. RealMF

    Calabria Crew

    I feel like the arguement of not enough playtime is unfair, if you check most of the recently Accepted Factions, the vast majority of the Don's of those factions had 3 weeks of playtime or even below that, with the exception of 1 or 2. Also from what it looks like this guy has been around since 2022 so he probably has the necessary experience.
  4. RealMF

    A timer on F3s

    I partially agree. however if a Don issues orders. they should be able to die for that. realistically the person they send to kill someone for them should be trusted. as Death is something that is serious in roleplay. and its a permanent thing. The Don should risk somebody they trust and somebody which is valuable as they are permanently resolving one of their problems. Risk for Reward type of thing.
  5. - / + Neutral The Faction Application isn't bad but I feel like the only thing the faction would provide is mugging and no actual solid roleplay. but I can't truly judge since i've not seem them do stuff like that yet.
  6. RealMF

    Supreme Team

    +1 Cool Black Organization. haven't seen much organised black and hispanic stuff lately
  7. Even if this guy is new, and the faction has pre-existed. the faction application is high-quality and i've had no bad experiences with these people so +1
  8. Looks like a really cool concept and i'd definitly have fun RPing with these guys. +1
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