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Everything posted by Vixx
Thank you! I did phrase it wrong, its not that I don't think it important I just think its difficult to gauge off that fact of IC RP entirely and not knowing me as we all know this server doesn't throw around names allot. I understand my low playtime may be a deterrent for most, however my argument for that is I have good staff experience and not to mention there are no stipulations that you must have a certain time before applying. I feel ready and well versed with the rules, otherwise I would not have applied.
I did not 'gun it'. I was on a highway which is meant for cars, not 'detectives' who are walking on it, not valuing their lives. You never made a conscious effort to move out of the way as you blocked the lane I could've moved into to stop this happening, neither of you stayed to the side of the road which would've been the logical thing to do rather than jumping around in the middle of the road. In a RP perspective, I do not know you well enough, nor able to identify anyone when driving at 40MPH to go "Oh yes, there's a detective! I should know this because I have seen her a few times in the city.". I was simply driving my car, and you were both in the way and I could not avoid you, neither of you made a conscious effort to protect yourself and move away and you shouldn't have been there to begin with. I can only do so much when driving at speeds appropriate for the road. - Safe to say you are also pretty PK Hungry, as you go around bragging about 'Confirmed Kills' that you have in your description which you express as PK's and have changed that number since you got me killed to '33'.
I just don't think it is PK viable. I engaged no gunfight, did not have any RP, did not have any intention. I simply drove along a highway that is there to go fast and was left with 'well shit, no matter where I go someone's going to get hit - I am going fast and they are walking up the middle of a road with no consideration to be right at the side to preserve themselves from possibly being hurt.' There was one in either lane... I couldn't prevent it. I have NEVER seen anyone get PK'd because someone on the road gets run over, it happens daily and it gets overlooked as it should - in most cases these things are merely accidents such as this. However, they could if they used sense and stayed on the side of the road if they really needed to be there, not in the middle of lanes and in between both. I have actually just been hounded IC too on another character with Police laughing as they got a PK passed.. Not to mention the two involved chatting at city hall about whether this will be accepted or not. I hope my points are taken into account, I do not wish to hold grudges or argue. I just wish to get my hard work back and reversed after an unjust PK and situation. - I also want to remind everyone here you should not be posting unless you were directly involved. Thank you all, however, for the support.
I did keep driving, as I said I had no idea wtf to do. I had no clue it was a detective but rather two people who were running on a road. I wouldn't call it a confrontation, we merely collided and the bike exploded and inflicted tons of damage as it does. As I say I have had no prior infringements and do not play this server to fuck around. I really have no reason to want to cause trouble of kill detectives on purpose. What would I be gaining? I have worked hard on this char, and to see him be PK'd over two people running around in a tunnel which accommodates fast cars seems a little blown out of proportion. It could simply have been dismissed as both parties being in the wrong place at the wrong time which I would say is the issue here.
Correct, their bike inflicted damage to me and my car. There is no targeting involved, no way to identify them as detectives, especially in such a fast and unexpected situation. It was just a misunderstanding of people being in the wrong place at the wrong time and it turning into a PK.
Hi, yes I am sorry. I did wait however I hopped AFK in the Car Lot to sort something out OOC. I have now posted my POV as I found it. - Same as Maggie's, all you see is me in first person and I go to turn left but in turn would hit Maggie so I continue straight. I was left with no option as two people were for some reason walking on a highway with no value for their lives, jumping around and seeing I was coming made no attempt to move, then magicing up a reason to PK me because I hit them when they were on a road which is for cars, especially when they both knew by their positioning I couldn't avoid them... Please note I also have never received a not nor a ban, I do not commit RDM or VDM. I do not do these things intentionally. I am a genuine RP'er
Name of Character: Oskar Donicci SteamID: 76561198373592789 Your Discord ID#: ottoothman Date of PK: 18/08/24 Reason for PK: I was originally unaware, I was AFK at the Car Dealer - 15 minutes previous to my AFK I was driving around and accidentally ran over someone on a highway who was walking in my lane out with my render distance. I did not see them within render distance however it was considered a valid PK and I returned to the spawn screen saying I had been PK'D by the time I returned to my PC. Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I was not consulted, I have seen a clip from Maggie Finch and I will post it here. I pulled into my lane and from my POV did not render the two people until I could swerve and hit either one and got a shock. - It was a genuine mistake and hardly an RP Situation, I died so didn't think to pursue the situation further, no one died apart from me and I was not spoken to or asked what happened. This could possibly be my fault as I went AFK, however I waited a considerable amount of time after the incident to see what transpired and nothing did. It may have looked bad me not being present, however I do think they should have waited to see and hear my side of the story, it may have looked bad me being AFK but I would not sit there and watch my hard work being thrown in the bin deliberately. From my view, I was driving fast on the highway in a car I was trying out, two people appeared in front of me and I had no where to go. I I tried to pull left but would've hit the woman, so went straight on as I had no where to go, I was then shot and my car hit a pole. (As far as I am concerned they should not have been in the middle of the road and kind of instigated this situation, the one providing the clip see's me and says nothing to her friend. if anything I thought it may be a Sit regarding VDM as it was a spur of the moment situation but didn't think a PK would be anywhere near valid as it was not a drawn out or engaging RP Situation, nor does it correspond with any guidelines. Maybe I looked like a minge as I had regular civvies clothes on.) Also worth noting, when I tried to figure out what happened. Relevant parties such as Maggie Finch who were involved stated they were not sure but couldn't get a hold of me so the PK went ahead. I do not think that is correct as I was not spoken to, and I do not think it correct as in RP terms they should not have been in that area on foot. That is not my fault. I can understand how this may seem like something done deliberately, however I have been playing religiously on this char for over a week and did not run someone over on purpose in an attempt to be PK'd. I would appreciate a chat with relevant parties IC to try and resolve this issue as I really had no understanding of what happened until I got a short chat with Hammer after I was PK'd. The rules also state this - Initiating a shootout or violent confrontation with Police can lead to a PK. Killing or attacking an Officer after initiating a violent confrontation leaves you PK active from officers for about 15 minutes. - I never initiated a shootout, I did not attack them with intent and it could possibly also be out with the allocated timeframe as I had sat around for a while after to see if I was spoken to regarding the matter. There was no indication they were police whatsoever.. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: In this clip I overshoot the last corner due to my speed, I correct my lane and see the people, hitting one of them. Instantly you hear my horn as I was in shock not expecting two people to be walking on a highway and I am fired upon. - However the one firing see's me and fails to notify her friend, letting him stay in my way. The argument of the PK being based on targeting Police is neither valid as I had no way to identify them - I wouldn't have in such a situation anyway. MAGGIE POV Clip, Edit, and Share Your Game Clips & Gameplay - Medal In my POV, you see me doing speed on the highway correcting my lane. I notice the people and see the wheel turn left until notice I will hit Maggie, then I drive straight. I would've hit one of them regardless and didn't know where to go... They were walking on a highway in the middle of the lane... MY POV https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iv13iRRRErhBweZs6/d1337pb7wrRK?invite=cr-MSxxOHksMTkzMTAxODg3LA
I think the application should be considered and voted on through the relevant Q&A's, not 'How you RP' - Of course it is important to know peoples natures, values and playstyles, however a Moderator's character has no affiliation with RP so that aspect really doesn't matter and should not contribute to your vote. - That is the reason for this application and the questions that are versed within. As I said we may have met and spoken, people don't share F3's unless they are within a family and made so how can you know we haven't?
Thank you to everyone so far for your input, I understand the concern of playtime, however as stated I do wish to continue engaging within the server and therefore continue to raise my playtime. I believe that with the past experience as a Moderator for periods of time as well as good knowledge of the rules that I may still be applicable for the role. Thanks again!