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  1. Shamrock


    Yeah so what was I actually banned for there, "Gamer"? "Loser" is not a legit reason
  2. Shamrock

    Calabria Crew

    Neutral I was going to support this app, but after reading some of the reviews and since i just got back on the server after a long hiatus, I'm going to have to stay neutral. They asked me to leave a review for their restaurant, so im just keeping good on my word that i would. I dont know enough about these guys and their past, but i was just down at the docks with them and theyre at least trying to rp. I'm all for bringing rp to the server, but honestly i think their are enough Italian factions atm. Havent really been on the server enough recently to say much more. Sorry.
  3. Ahhh okay, I remember now, it happened in the big hotel. Thanks.
  4. Shamrock

    Character Ban?

    Name of Character: Daniel "Danny" Greene SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198080662768/ Your Discord ID#: shamrock1403 Date of PK: 2023? Reason for PK: No idea tbh. Took a long ass break from the beginning of 2023 iirc, until now. Just coming back and one of my characters is banned, that im fairly sure wasn't before. Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: Same as reason stated above If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: n/a
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