Kroncha big brother here, I was there around the group surrounding the female, i do recall someone telling him to say that multiple times and that there were other people saying inappropriate things aswell, in his defense he didnt yet read the rules, never the less i scolded him and had our dad beat his ass almost immediately after i saw the text, he recently turn 13 y/o and he is still learning that you cant just say and do anything you want on the internet. our dad is taking away his phone and computer for a month aswell. also i have be trying to teach him the roleplay in mafia rp is very serious and even though there are alot of people not taking it serious there are double the amount who do, please can you give him one more single chance, this is my favorite game to play and i just bought him the dono package, please let my little brother get one more chance, i can even make him post an actual apology video for a sincere apology so you know its not just text or b/s. i am so sorry on his behalf.