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  1. Your Character or Steam Name: Kroncha Your SteamID https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198272330938/ Your Discord ID#: Kroncha Reason for ban: Article 12 sexual harassment Length of ban: Permanent Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I have not read the rules but have since read every rule and have a full understanding of the gravity of my comment and situation. i genuinely am extremely sorry and seriously just got too heated in the moment with what everyone was saying and made an inexcusable joke Why should you be unbanned? I was on the server trolling with some friends at around 3:00AM there was a female and everyone was making sexual jokes and asking promiscuous things. i made a terrible joke that i deeply regret and shortly after i was pulled by an admin with the female in question. i immediately apologized to both parties after which the female thanked me and said she really didnt take it that seriously. Even though it was very serious. The admin Jacob called me a freak and that i needed serious mental help. He told me i would be banned for 2 weeks and the female pleaded with him to make it only one week. And i was originally banned for only two weeks but after checking back i see that i have been banned permanently. This is my first offense, i never act mean or crude, and I have recently just purchased the donator package to show support to this server which i always look forward to playing on. I truly understand my mistake and again, sincerely apologize with everything in my heart. All i ask is to be given one more chance and have the ban reverted to the original 2 weeks so that i can continue to contribute to this great server and community. Im literally begging for this appeal and i will donate more money to be able to play again one day. I have learned from my mistake and right hand to god it will not ever happen again. Even if my ban was to be demoted to a month long ban. Please just give me one more chance there is no excuse for my actions i cannot stress enough how sorry i am for acting the way that i did.
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