Your Character or Steam Name: Kingpen Carterson
Your SteamID (Click to rewtrieve): Steam ID: 76561199122225601
Your Discord ID#: I don't have discord account yet
Reason for ban: Minge
Length of ban: 3
Reason for appeal (dispute) I'm not sure what the fuck I was banned for, I've made multiple tickets for rdm against me and nobody would accept them. I don't thick ive had this many bad experiences with staff on any server, they are reckless with bans and don't even let you defend yourself. First I was rdmed by some dude with a gun. I was in my car 50 feet away, and did 0 damage to anyone. He shot me and killed me for no reason, and when i called staff I explained although I was in his restaurant and broke the windows, it was minutes prior therefor that was rdm. The admin said I had died a ton at different businesses today and that he thinks im rdm baiting and if I do it again im getting warned. 0 proof besides the deaths, he just blatantly ignores the rdm because he assumes something. 20 minutes later I was rdmed on the street, I don't remember how but I made a report afterwards. I then thought about it and realized how stupid I was for thinking the staff would help me if I didnt have a clip, so I put in @ nvm ignore my last ticket. I then went to casino to gamble. I gambled about 2500 which is alot for me, and was shot in the back of the head before my blackjack hand was given to me. I lost that money, so I called staff saying something like "Nvm take rdm ticket im sick of this" and ofcourse none of the staff did. I tried breaking into an apartment that I broke in before and found LSD, and was banned during that. I did nothing close to Minging and im actually tweaking because of how much I dislike the staff on this server. I've made 35k factionless by myself and got a car today and somehow im a minge. Great server, not all bad staff
Why should you be unbanned? Why shouldnt I? Like what does "Minge" mean? Minging would mean that I was not playing the game, which clearly I was making money. I do not apologize for anything and this was a bullshit ban per usual
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): Not that me playing on the server matters to you but i might just quit this shit because of the staff. They never fully listen to the story and make decisions like its nothing when it affects others. Regardless id love to know why the staff who banned me didn't accept my tickets that were being put in 5 minutes before the ban. Staff should be required to explain the ban and not be lazy