Your Character or Steam Name: Nexius
Your SteamID:
Your Discord ID#: Will O' Beam#5561
Reason for ban: Violation of Global Rule13 and Alting
Length of ban: Perm
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):
I have had many months and plenty of time to reflect on my unfavorable behavior and actions. Initially, I was banned for a month because I decided, in bad judgment, to make an insensitive joke/comment to an arresting officer that I would kill myself if I were to be “Pked”. I will admit that I indeed broke a rule that fully deserved my month ban. I would like to apologize to the officer/player. My intentions while playing were to create a fun and enjoyable experience for my fellow players and my comment didn’t accomplish that. I apologize for making you/the player uncomfortable and impeding on your game. I realize the gravity of my terrible joke, and that it is and can be triggering and offensive to many people. Suicide is not suitable material to joke about and is a very serious and very important topic. I respect the rules and do my very best to be respectful of the server and I hope my mistake does not diminish my efforts. After making this mistake, I decided to dig an even deeper hole for myself. I used my brother’s account to enter the server, resulting in a permanent ban on my accounts. I am fully aware of the consequences of doing so and I would like to apologize for disrespecting my fellow players and Divergent staff. It has been months since both incidents occurred and I would love a second chance to play the experience. I understand the seriousness of the rule violations, and I am aware that they are in place for a reason and are important to the community. I have made great progress in real life. I quit drinking, which has helped me mentally and physically. I mention this because I would drink too much and play, which has led to a lot of the bad decisions and interactions. I corrected that behavior to be a better person in real life and in the gaming world. I sincerely apologize and appreciate all the community and staff. I am aware of the consequences of my actions and I will understand If it cannot be forgiven. This server is the only game I play and it genuinely helps me escape my stress and I love making friends and memories. I haven’t turned on my computer since the ban started. Thank you for taking the time to read my appeal, and once again, I am deeply sorry.
Why should you be unbanned?
I am remorseful and I did some much needed introspection to allow myself to grow. I hold myself accountable for my decisions and actions. As previously stated, I quit drinking alcohol to help foster and improve my relationships within the real world and gaming community. I love the server and its community purely. It's the only game I play and I miss the people and memories. Despite my lack of awareness and my terrible decisions, I am a positive player and I don’t want my mistakes to highlight my character. I have been banned for many months and learned a valuable lesson. I turned a month ban into a permanent one. However, I am grateful for the extension because it allowed me to learn the severity of my actions and gave me an opportunity to improve myself. I am grateful for the time I have had on the server and would love to come back better. Thank you!
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A