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About Noiseyboi322

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  1. Noiseyboi322

    steam Acc

    so i dont know if this is the right place to put this i just kinda need some help i need to know if there is a way to change youre steam acc on the forum as mine has been entered in wrong and i need to put my actual account in it!
  2. i believe i found the issue idk abt the time tho i think this is what you were on abt tho
  3. Noiseyboi322

    Ban Appeal

    Your Character or Steam Name: K. James Cobain Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):76561198798213306 Your Discord ID: noiseyboi322 Reason for ban: basically it appeared that i was logging (LTARP) but my pc has been bugging out for hours due to me . not updating my gmod .not updating my driver .not updating my pc ect and yes im very aware "crashing during a arrest?? thats a blatant lie you were just trying to get out of the arrest!!" im aware it may seem like that but with all honesty my pc crashed im pretty sure you guys are able to check in the logs or something to see if i manually left i dont really know tho. Length of ban: just 1 day Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): my friend told me the ban would be on a record and i dont want that im not really fussed abt the time Why should you be unbanned? i dont think i should be banned for my pc crashing im just gonna be blatant. if i forget to update my pc one day and im in a scene and my pc just gives way its not really my fault people make mistakes lol Additional Information (images, videos, etc): i got nothing there unless you wanna pic of my shitty ass pc XD
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