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Everything posted by chingymingy

  1. +1, especially when multiple people are sitting down during restaurant RP, makes it damn near impossible to figure out who's ordering what.
  2. +1 16 years is not a bad age for just moderating a video game. Give the kid a chance, Nova can contribute to what this community needs.
  3. I was NOT privy to this info, hopefully the applicant can do better in the future.
  4. +1 I've personally never had a problem with them, then again I'm quite lowkey on the server. From personal interactions I haven't witnessed any emotional outbursts or generally other behaviors that would warrant concern about their composure as a staff. I think Unsatisfied's general disdain for immature, teenage shitheads on Diverge is quite warranted. Most of the kiddos on this server do little to nothing for actual RP. Some grown ass adults are even worse. The point of staff is to keep the server going in the direction set by the community manager (global rules and RP guidelines). I think this person would be capable of using and keeping their position as staff within that scope. In regards to potential bias, there's nothing a little good training from Byte, and a little probationary period can't take care of. I am seeing a lot of negative feedback here though, the accusations of metagame run deep, and it seems many other community members are very worried about the applicants bias. If your reputation requires remedy, I would begin now.
  5. Been on my mind for a while, but I think it would add a little theme building to the game if the music was more ethically/locally pertinent to the faction you served before you died. At least the option to have it added (for a fee or not), or decided by Community Manager. E.G. If you die as a dirty spic (my faction for example) you hear a song such as Que No Quede Huella by Bronco (1989). Or perhaps if you die as a Russian gang member, Песня о друге - Из к/ф "Путь к причалу" (Song About A Friend - From the Film "Path to the Pier")
  6. +1 Mr. V is a well respected character, great listener in an out of character, very clearly has respect for the opinions of others. From my interactions with him I believe he can be counted on to put the community first.
  7. Believe it or not he's been incredibly brief both times he's assisted me. As far as I've seen he's been putting out since he picked up the mantle.
  8. In-Game Name(s): Shaun Dice, Francisco Hernandez-Guerra, Ameen Al-Adlun Medhtarik, Dee "Rus" Atlov, Amos Molotov Steam Name: TacticalSpringroll Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/ChingyMingy00/ Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:101886439 Discord Username: mingy2431 Age: 24 When did you first join the server: Sunday, February 4th, 2024 Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 1mo 4d 21h 32m Time Zone: CST How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: I play between 2-12 hours depending on the day. Anytime I'm on I am available given I'm not in an extensive RP scenario. Have you read the rules?: I have Do you have a working microphone?: Yes Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): I understand Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: No Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes ------------------------------------------------- Long Answer Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum. What is your motivation/reason for applying?: My primary motivation for applying is to protect the roleplay experience for not just myself, but for other dedicated players within the community. I've spent enough time in different factions, and around even more seasoned players to learn the different nuances that go with conducting RP within the 1980s underworld. I've enjoyed countless hours refining the way that I participate in this setting and I'd like to give exposure to what our community could look like if we just showed it a little care. Through the staff position I firmly believe I could make a significant effort towards this goal, and for those who aren't willing to put the effort to properly participate, I'd at least be able to send a message regarding what kind of environment we are trying to foster through issuing explanations and appropriate reprimands. Why should you be considered over other candidates?: My mindset sets it plain and simple - if you're here for roleplay, then read the manual. I stand by the idea that if the rules are written plainly for all of us to see, then our personal margin for error is very thin. I have personal experience being a supervisor over my peers in real life and policing my own. Personal relationships with other players wouldn't cloud my judgement in a situation because I don't believe in jeopardizing my bottom line. I also stand firm on providing detailed explanations so that players would be able to move forward perhaps learning something from the situation. Most of all my pride will come last in any situation that calls for reviewing a players behavior against the rules that are written. I am not afraid to ask questions or elevate if something isn't clear to me, or if I feel like a situation may be over my head. I understand that the server guidelines provided are the first and ONLY opinion to be considered. Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): I was a junior staff member back in 2014 on GamerSalvation DarkRP, however that experience was short lived as the server soon shut down a month later. Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: Yes, I have one prior ban from my first month on Diverge for spam. Tue, 06 Feb 2024 03:33:12 GMT | Fox Flooding Rumour Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: My reputation on Diverge is based on the characters I play rather than who I am on the pager. I am known to give careful consideration to the server global rules, and RP guidelines when engaging in scenarios, or teaching promising new players when welcomed into a faction. I am known to be heavy on /me actions in order to articulate and provide imagination on what's actually happening during an interaction. I have definitely done well to demonstrate to others that I put careful consideration into both our our immersion, and that I will take the time to help them create the experience that we're looking to see. I am also known to be heavily against low quality behavior, and I refuse to entertain the idea of participating in actions that disrupt the experience for others. Lastly, I am known to ask many questions if the way forward within RP is blurry, or if I don't understand something. What is your favourite moment on Diverge so far?: My favorite moment would have to be during my first time conducting a ceremony with my first faction. We had a massive flag up of members (20+) and several personnel were organized to make sure that everything went smoothly. Guards were posted out front, 2 were responsible for making sure no unauthorized comm devices were making it into the property, and radio was heavily used to communicate any suspicious behavior spotted. Once we made it in, it was nice to see several people sitting patiently and listening intently as the organization high commanders gave praise to those who worked hard, and issued promotion accordingly. It brought me joy to witness players coming together to immerse each other in the exact kind of scene that Diverge is trying to build. Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: xDutchCat ------------------------------------------------- Problem Solving Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take. Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: My assessment of the situation would depend on if I'm a victim or a passerby. Should I be on the tail-end of the RDM, I'd make a ticket in order to elevate the situation to another staff member, as I am an active roleplayer who's experience had just been disrupted, as well as to ensure a fair and objective ruling is provided from the sit. If I am a passerby, I would immediately go on duty to pull the individual, and present them with the same evidence I had gathered of the potential offense. From there I would inquire with the potential offender, as well as the victim as to their sides of the story. Lastly I would review the player's prior history as a player. If the evidence, and the open forum with both parties show that the situation was without a doubt an RDM, I would explain to both parties my verdict, and issue punishment based on the staff guidelines provided. Lastly I would let them know that if they feel I have overstepped any bounds, or made a judgement in error, that they have the option of disputing my verdict in the forums. You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: My course of action would to be to gather evidence on the individual in question and approach a staff member senior to me and the offender in rank. I wouldn't approach the offender personally as I wouldn't know the entire story, and it'd be up to a senior staff member to render judgement. A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: The way I would proceed knowing this would be to allow the opportunity, first and foremost, to go to another staff member so that it would be known without a doubt that the verdict of that sit was based SOLELY off of the information gathered within that sit. If staff availability was low, I would take it upon myself to conduct the sit in the same manner as my answer in question one. I wouldn't allow anybody who I know to hold our relationship over my head as I I would be serving the interests of server staff and upper administration first, and only.
  9. +1 Months ago I heard mentions of an African American faction being looked at as a bad idea, due to people treating the ethnicity as a minge platform. (Too many white guys on the server who are too comfortable saying the N-word online, too many people trying to RP Crips and Bloods, etc.) After reviewing the app and the ideas you've presented, it is clear a lot of thought has gone into this application, and how this proposal would be implemented. I appreciate you trying to diversify the faction space, and bringing fresh ideas to the table.
  10. +1 I beg of you to succeed where Odessa failed
  11. +1 Honestly, I wouldn't mind the idea of a more grassroots, less traditionally hierarchal street crew just trying to make it in the city underworld, and having a rougher presence in the city. The rivalry aspect speaks out the most to me. The car bounty and turf-wrecking ideas suggest that a chaotic organization like this that takes more action on rivalries, would pose an interesting challenge for players in terms of pure survival on the street, and for rival orgs to stay on their toes. My questions and/or critiques for this proposal would be: What would you intend on being your 1 or 2 primary rackets? What would you argue is the number 1 aspect of your faction, roleplay wise, that you can offer players that they cannot find in other factions. The activity promotion section is a quite unorganized, could you explain in a paragraph or less what the Calabria's bottom line would be if allowed into the city?
  12. +1 DutchCat brought me in under his wing months ago and taught me EVERYTHING I needed to know about navigating Mafia RP, and then some. He's never had it out for specific players, and offered everyone equal opportunity to learn from him no matter how taxing it might be. With his experience and positive attitude, he'd be an excellent addition to the League of SkyGods.
  13. Doesn't look like cheats, just a very broken weapon. The clip is from his perspective which would be most damning was he cheating. I think you'd see the center of his screen tracking heads almost robotically if he was using external software, certainly if he was moving. Plus he's at near point-blank range with a bullet-hose. These clips provided are practically instant kills at those distances.
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