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Everything posted by Fisher

  1. Your Character or Steam Name: travis scott(steam), Bigeksda Plug(in game) Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:180521832 Your Discord ID#: 302456643545858048 Reason for ban: Mugging Char/Metagaming/Extensive POs Length of ban: Permanent Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute Why should you be unbanned? To start, this situation happened during a mugging that turned into a shootout. Me and three others faked a deal to trade bricks of weed for coke, when they unlocked their Napoli room door, I took my gun out and ordered both of them to put their hands up. Right after, the second person ducked behind a small indent in the wall and audibly took their weapon out and took off the safety. For that I shot the first guy and started shooting at the corner the person with a gun was at. Both of them died and we took no casualties. We made a ticket for a PK and they claimed we metagamed by being in a VC. We were deafened in the De Leon discord, as we were driving around in a bus and just chatting, we deafened/muted at any point we engaged in RP situations, and we quite literally said to deafen before we got involved in the mugging situation- which we did. To note, we had been in the call much prior to me, or any of us being on the server. As for the mugging character dispute, I explained in the sit room(very poorly to be fair) that I use two characters; One, for legal/white collar criminal RP and business, and then my OTHER character, for direct criminal RP activities like dealing in illegal/defaced weapons, drugs, robbery, et cetera, being that this was my character to rejoin Takahashi with after being PKed in a police shootout prior. Anzati explained to me that the character is just too young to be seen as a non-mugging character, but I think that due to the fact that the creation lines up with the time I've been back(unbanned) from the server, and in that scale makes it a long period of time. For metagaming, Caboose themself even said that we all muted in the de leon discord, as they had been in there with us for a while before the mugging. I am not asking for an immediate unban, but I'm looking for an unban just in general, I wouldn't care if it was in months, I just don't think what I did warrants a permanent ban. In short, the time frame from when I got unbanned from my second permanent ban, within a few days of creation of my accused "mugging character" to now could be considered an old character, as it was made within a few days of my return. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iETY2aWvsKxk7epCq/d13374i2HIwr?invite=cr-MSxkVlosMjI0MDA3MTk0LA (MY POV)
  2. real shit im stupid as fuck
  3. yeah thats actually exactly why im appealing bcs I think rem was unfair with their judgement, also 5 bans for it? that does not sound right Upon inspection, I've only had one ban for any fail name circumstance and that was my permanent ban. The last ban I got before my permanent ban was about 3 months before the permanent, so obviously I had heeded the warnings I got, and I had been trying to follow the rules. I think saying that I've had enough chances and that "eventually" I'd read the rules and "roleplay properly"(don't really know what this means as it has several different definitions depending on who you ask.). I will say I most likely do have warns for various things but on the whole, I went from averaging two to three bans a month to averaging once every 4 or 6. Obviously I took into consideration that I did not have a lot of chances left, so I made an effort to change. Further into why I even made this; this was one-hundred percent because Rem stepped down. I think that their ruling in this situation was asinine and trying to turn that reason against me doesn't really make sense. Why would I want to come back and play the game when they still were here? That makes little to no sense for me to even try appealing before they left. I thought their judgement was wrong(I know alot of people who'd agree) so I waited for them to go.
  4. Your Character or Steam Name: Rioda Y. Oungog(char name), travis scott(steam) Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:180521832 Your Discord ID#: 302456643545858048 Reason for ban: Failname/FailRP, stacked on an insane PO count Length of ban: Permanent Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute Why should you be unbanned?: I'll say what I said last time and add a little bit on; I was permanently banned on a police character I had made while waiting to rejoin Takahashi-Kai who was named Met. R O'Boomin. This is obviously a reference to the producer, Metro Boomin which at the time, I had not known there was an issue with the character name I had, being that my probably most known char, Bay B. Tron(Babytron) never had been prompted for a name change, which had gone for over half a year. After being PKed on a life sentence, I named my next character Teeg, R. Izzley(Tee Grizzley) which- again, went on for months(albeit much, MUCH shorter than Bay), and after shooting at a cop, got PKed. After this, I changed to Met. R O'Boomin and carried on, business as usual. Rem had given me the name change prompt and I ended up choosing Rioda Y. Oungog. I received my ban about 5 minutes after this. I think that to start, I never should have had to change my name when the enforcement of this character rule to any other staff member is lax at best. It makes no sense that several other staff members except Rem saw my character name and just let me carry on. I shouldn't be subject to different rules when the majority of the enforcement team doesn't mind the name. Even then, I think just being told to make a non-artist name instead of a permanent ban for changing to a (MUCH) smaller artist's name, and in a way that would still fit RP(ethnic name) is just not sensible. While I get the permanent ban is mostly due to my POs, none have been related to character names. Rem stated in the original denial that I've been around long enough to know the rules, and they are correct, I've also been around long enough to know the various ways that moderation punishes infractions based on PO count, and just from the rule. I think a permanent ban was overkill in every sense of the word, regardless of my extensive history with various rule infractions. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A
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