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Everything posted by mado

  1. mado

    PKed Body Cremation

    +1 this sounds cool. just as a add-on suggestion. if this were to be implemented into the server and considering pendred suggesting more possible map changes in the future, this opens up opportunities for maybe a funeral home being added into the map in the future, obviously with crematorium. this could also open avenues for police rp, they get a warrant for the place, look through the bodies that the funeral home reported burning, and checking the amount of ashes or something or other. just an extra idea that could add risk to crim and bring more rp overall to the server
  2. mado


    to be completely truthful i was salty you told me you hoped i died while i was in chemo and super depressed. wasnt my finest moment tbh
  3. mado


    Your Character or Steam Name: mado Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:515445868 Your Discord ID#: _.cito__ Reason for ban: Originally was for NTR though rem extended it further to a permanent ban due to my actions and attitude in my ban appeal. Length of ban: Permanent Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology Why should you be unbanned? Let me preface this as I know it will be brought up on its own, I’m well aware of my notes, ban history, and my overall history as a player on diverge. I fully understand how this may look on my character. I’ve spent some time away from this community and I am sure that from this time away I have grown as a person, I feel as if I am much more mature then I was previously. I am here to take a moment to sincerely apologies for my aforementioned actions, ones that led to my ban and the ones before then. It's clear to me now that before I had crossed the line and broken the servers rules. I feel genuinely sorry for the impact my actions had on the staff and players of this server.
  4. mado

    citos ban appeal

    Your Character or Steam Name: mado Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:515445868 Your Discord ID: _.cito__ Reason for Ban: NITRP Length of Ban: Permanent Reason for appeal: (Apology) To start this off, let me make it known that I acknowledge that I have not been banned for a significant amount of time compared to the length of my ban aka infinite, but I have thought about this. To put this bluntly, I regret my actions throughout my time playing this server, whether it was being a rule breaking, mug character, spam associate on all of the factions, to acting retarded while in Triad, or finally having a faction of my own and being so split between listening to infamy and all of my "friends" in Olympus and couping my faction (Sombras Do Parana) or sticking with Commission that I actually tried to and failed obviously. Throughout my time on the server I was forgiven time and again, whether it was by Quartz/Basel, or the staff, TrippyHippy, JJ, Iolaire, Yort, Twisty, and anyone else who gave me chance on chance to finally prove myself, though I would always somehow fall short. It's safe to say that the timing of my ban was not the best considering all of the cool shit that released following my ban. I would like to apologize again to Rem, I understand now that it definitely would look like someone trolling if you remember my ban appeal, even if I did not intend for it to. I would like to apologize to anyone who I have had a negative interaction with in the past, there are many who would most likely not remember me in a positive light. But that brings me to the main reasons I decided to appeal, following my ban, there were many friends of mine who messaged me, they wished for me to appeal the ban so I could continue participating in the RP with them, but even then, with all of their support, I felt that it was not the best time to appeal it. I wanted the next time to be different, I wanted it to be a fair amount of time hoping almost that people might forget about me, allowing me to start anew, yet I realized that was not a feasible option, considering how I acted in the past. I decided rather than wait, hope that people forgot who I was and what I did, maybe just owning up to what I've done and trying to change was the better alternative. This definitely is not the longest ban appeal anyone's ever seen, but I hope that through my words, you can somewhat see the thought behind this appeal and how deeply I have been contemplating even posting this in the first place.
  5. mado

    Ban appeal

    you lowkey look like you belong in whoville. +1 let him back, cake made up for it
  6. mado

    ban appeal

    on another note check out this guy, hes underrated.
  7. mado

    ban appeal

    Your Character or Steam Name: mado Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:515445868 Your Discord ID: _.cito__ Length of Ban: 1 Day Reason for appeal (Dispute): I would like to start off by saying I am aware of my history, more specifically referring to my PO's, considering these I would understand why this situation might be looked at a certain way. I was with a friend and we decided to run into Le Grande to try and go onto the 4th floor to go to the pool, when the elevator arrived at the first floor, two people who worked there followed us into the elevator, once in the elevator these guys aimed guns at us and we killed one, we then both died to the second guy. This was the first instance on this character (it was new), that I had even engaged in RP, we were running from the hospital towards my car when we were frozen in the middle of the street by Monaclu, he then banned both of us for a day for NITRP. I'm mainly disputing due to me not even being given a warning, the guys involved at Le Grande made no sit and initiated the combat towards us in the first place, so I was confused when I was frozen, then was not pulled to a sit at all. Like I said, this was the first instance of anything I had done RP wise on this character, and considering this was a RP scenario, I myself don't really understand why it was a ban? Especially with no warning or sit at all, I had even clipped the interaction in case a sit happened specifically to prevent this, yet when we were frozen Monaclu did not speak once even when I called out for whichever admin had froze us. I feel as though this situation could have been easily cleared up in a less than 5 minute sit where we could have just shown Monaclu the clip, yet no sit was made, Monaclu must have just been watching. Obviously this ban is not a significantly long one, I doubt this ban appeal will be accepted/denied before the bans actually finished, I'm mainly confused why it was not handled with the usual process? Any Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/29t3nbJcKduJu5/d1337BVBPiEa?invite=cr-MSxoV0ssNTc0NTUyNzIs
  8. Name of Character: Pope "Real Wigga" Francis VII SteamID: STEAM_0:0:515445868 Your Discord ID: _.cito__ Date of PK: 4/14/2024 Reason for PK: I really don't understand Why should I be unpked: I don't want to come here to start throwing out accusations against prominent figures in the community of Diverge, but this shit, in my opinion was not a situation deserving of a PK, for a bit of context, I had killed myself on Pope "Real Nigga" Francis V earlier in the night while in the Pen faction, I made a new character which I named Pope "Real Nigga" Francis VI (I now understand that I probably should not have made the exact name except for changing the numbers). A significant amount of time later I was walking past Napoli and saw Hamir Abdul aka Monaclu walking past, I walked up to the group of people and Hamir and said, "Hello there fellas, my names NYPD Detective Pope "Real Nigga" Francis, here to my right is my partner Hamir Abdul", upon saying this a chase started with Hamir chasing me across the city trying to arrest me for "Impersonating a NYPD officer". Once I was eventually shot in the legs and caught by Hamir he saw my name, and upon seeing my name he said "You know what, I'm gonna let you go, but gave me a name change prompt, ordering me to change my name, saying that the name I had was dead and could not be used. Following the name change prompt appearing on my screen, I changed my name to "Pope "Real Wigga" Francis VII", after changing my name I continued walking, I was then frozen by Hamir with his physics gun, then pked. Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/27clcCmZScbglQ/d1337EbzjAUL?invite=cr-MSxkN3IsNTc0NTUyNzIs
  9. Your Character or Steam Name: mado SteamID: STEAM_0:0:515445868 Your Discord ID: _.cito__ Reason for Ban: NITRP | Extensive PO's Length of Ban: 1 week Reason for Appeal (Apology/Dispute): To start off I would like to apologize, obviously speaking, as someone who's been playing this server for a significant amount of time, I know better, it was not proper or right of me to spend time minging to waste police time, as well as then taking up time by spamming my cigarette while in the cell for about a minute straight. I won't sit on the forums to lie, I won't use this as a chance to claim that I didn't know any better, that I was not aware of the rules, I simply wish to take responsibility. I completely understand why this was a issue, the only part I have a dispute with is in my personal opinion, it was not something that was that major of a issue to warrant a ban. Like I said, I typically am aware of the rules, whether its from personal experience, or from watching others, but typically I see warnings being given before a ban is issued, my last ban for NITRP was March 5th, 2023, it has been a full year since I was last banned for NITRP, so I was confused when I was issued no warning at all for it, just immediately being banned, I even stopped spamming the cigarette once I realized it might get me in trouble. Once again, I will not sit here to lie to you, I have done nothing but ruin my own reputation for a majority of the time I've played the server, there's many who would agree with this, since last being banned for NITRP I have been banned 11 times, it's only now that with a mix of IRL shit that has happened, and other contributing factors that I was able to gain insight into life and gain care for how I appear to others. There's a good amount of people that can vouch that throughout these past few months I have tried to do my best, obviously throughout it there's been many times where I've been a retard, MANY TIMES, but within these past months I was able to do more, than throughout almost 3 years of playing. I've made my mistakes, this being one of them, whether I'm banned or reduced/unbanned, this is another experience I can think about if I ever think about doing something dumb like this again. Why Should I be Unbanned: Thank you for your time and consideration, have a good day.
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