It does suck to think that cops can just run into harmful fights and general situations without caring about their life even though the premise of PKs with the roleplay of your life on the server is "disregard for your own life/not valuing your life" and that would fall into such. However, the cops on the server end up in these harmful fights more frequently than a criminal character does and cops are typically the target of random harmful fights by minges or when they are initiated by an illegal offense by a criminal character -- it wouldn't be fair for them to be at risk for every harmful fight as they are frequent. The issue at hand is risk. The cops on the server already have a lot of PK power, it is to add risk to the criminals but what is adding risk to the cops? Just corruption and if they go undercover. I believe the only plausible argument could be a few-day hospitalization (temporary pk). Perhaps adding additional requirements if the temporary PK will apply if the situation involves the raid of a property alongside a warrant? So the frequent raids that do sometimes happen if probable cause is applied without a warrant having to be issued (this normally happens in the ghetto and the townhouses due to minges or sloppy criminals) wouldn't have a temporary PK applied as it simply wouldn't be fair because of the consistent frequency of that specific harmful fight. Some inspiration from HL2 Combine RP servers can be considered as those servers have it where you get banned/kicked off the combine character (a cop character) for a short period when you die.