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  1. Spongeboob

    Ban Appeal

    maybe place the dupe???? Just a thought.
  2. Adding a Hi-Fi that is permanent to the property like a cash register separate from the normal Hi-Fi to have your own custom-made selection of songs including cassettes that are custom and ones that fit a certain theme. For example, if you are working at an Italian restaurant you are served specific Italian cuisines and listening to Italian fine dining music. Also adding Auto-play to the Hi-Fi.
  3. this guy deserves the ban
  4. +1 was forced to +1 or else I was going to be pk'd so +1
  5. bro thinks he knows and sees everything
  6. +1 Lupranos need a come back
  7. Martin Riggs and William got to be the worst
  8. no its realistic if you a big back person you will not be able to fit.
  9. Idk how difficult this is to add or not but it would be amazing to create a queue for Hi-Fis so you don't have to go up to it all the time after each song ends. Just seems like a simple tweak to make our amazing gmod experience more relaxing.
  10. -1 90 hours playtime lol
  11. your car will despawn anyway by the time you need to get gas because of inactivity so I think its pointless to have a fuel system at the state we are currently in. -1
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