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  1. dinky

    Char ban appeal

    https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iDuXqYYq5uzCpH8J3/d1337xKF6wh0?invite=cr-MSxrTVcsNDQ1NjQzMzUs In this clip it shows me and one of my friends just walking on the sidewalk the cops were on they were going to arrest me for "getting in there way" which makes no sense because it is a public sidewalk. the clips audio was bugged and didnt work but the clip that the police provided was shortened to make it seem like it wasnt a false arrest
  2. dinky

    Char ban appeal

    Okay well to be fair the cops did not have a valid reason what so ever to arrest me. I started shooting because I was trying to defend myself.
  3. dinky

    Char ban appeal

    Name of Character: Antonio gallo SteamID: 76561199132180511 Your Discord ID#: dinkydii Date of PK: I guess my char was banned early this morning when I hopped off so 9/8/24 Reason for PK: I do not know Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I dont know why my char was banned I got off like around 1-2 this morning and havent been on since If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:
  4. dinky

    Pk appeal

    "after you had respawned and was unrelated to the death/pk itself." This is not unrelated at all. He purposely came up to me, CONTINUING the conversation about the PK as to which I denied giving it back. Where do you find this unrelated? I died, he came to me continuing the interaction that occurred. The rule clearly states "AFTER" it does not say 'once you respawn this is negated completely'. Your staff discretion is you attempting to reword a rule to where its almost completely different and basically what your telling me from what I understand is that when I PK someone for stealing my shit, AFTER ive killed them I can go up to them and say "gimme my shit back or get pk'd"? sure ill catch an NLR warn but I can still go confront them AFTER they died. Your discretion makes no sense.
  5. dinky

    Pk appeal

    Name of Character: Frank Kline SteamID: 76561199132180511 Your Discord ID#: dinkydii Date of PK: 8/5/2024 Reason for PK: I was pked for taking a shirt that was more then 10,000 Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I think that I should be unpkd because after I took the guys shirt he gunned me down. When I respawned he went over to the hospital I was at which is breaking nlr and said "Drop the shirt or iam going to pk you." which I had on recording. Using OOC terms over Mic, (Such as yelling "thats a pk, thats a pk!" After killing someone) may void the PK entirely. Remain in character at all times. "AFTER killing someone" The pking admin "4Lights" said "when he approached you, yes he was breaking nlr but the conflict was over by then" The rule that is in the PK guidelines state AFTER killing someone. this interaction also occurred less than a minute later, the angry dude I stole from hoped to get his shirt back BY interacting with me ABOUT the robbing. There is no new situation as 4Lights stated. It is just staff being bias towards other staff as the opposing party was staff aswell. Staff discretion does not overwrite the rules, it allows you to justify whether what happened was justifiable. I robbed the guy He killed me He ran up a minute later in hopes to get his shirt back 4light says when he approached you in the hospital it was a whole new situation WHICH it was not because it was all about the PK It states in the rules AFTER being killed, breaking OOC completely negates the PK. I hope where you understand where I am coming from. This is completely absurd. Heres the clip of him when he approached me telling me its a pk If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ipR4cYimzpPv74OHZ/d1337LuRrePE?invite=cr-MSxaZ0MsMjEzMTkyMzQwLA
  6. dinky

    Pk appeal

    I talked to the don of the family that I mugged the guy in and I payed him double of what I stole off him. He forgave me for my past after I talked to him, we became somewhat chill with each-other and traded suits and what not. I was never told anything about the no mug rule until it was too late. I was even told by a guy who was a higher rank then me that it was okay to do so, and me not having money has nothing to do with sweet talking the police. I literally was robbed out of all my suits and all my money out of my bank ( a friend stole it all off me), and I also gamble a shit ton which leaves me broke most of the time. I feel like I shouldve gotten more guidance from people who are higher up then me., as iam mostly the only one on all day besides tommy. In my opinion I deserve a second chance.
  7. dinky

    Pk appeal

    Name of Character: Archer "Archie" Bell SteamID: 76561199132180511 Your Discord ID#: 677767349373370368 (discord username: dinkydii) Date of PK: 7/9/2024 Reason for PK: the only reason I was given was that I was a "suspected rat" Why should you be unPK'd? I feel like my pk is unjust and not fair at all being that Ive spent tons and tons of hours on that char, almost was on everyday What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I feel like my pk appeal should be appealed because "suspected rat" is not a valid reason to get someone pked If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ieLJD3AUdak3JVrp-/d1337lqsVuSj?invite=cr-MSxXUzgsMjEzMTkyMzQwLA
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