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Everything posted by Skyzer
Name of Character: Israel "Joker" Goldberg SteamID: STEAM_0:1:199103270 Your Discord ID#: 363418635470897154 Date of PK: 1/12/2025 Reason for PK: There was a don's orders set on somebody in the faction so we were all set active, it just so happened that I got RDM baited when everybody was active. Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I, one, had nothing to do with the Don's Orders, nor was I aware of all of us being active, and I was RDM Baited after telling the person that killed me to stop fucking with my Hi-fi. The rule broken was RDM Bait. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jtEHbT1AZL-WZhWxd?invite=cr-MSxiV2IsMjQ5MTQ3ODUzLA Note: I would like to say I am filing this appeal on his behalf because of a problem with his steam and forum website. For my input of the situation I would just like to say that he was not aware of the situation and wasent aware that she was active. At the same time it was said that she wanted to be set active to take down another member on purpose but someone who was aware about it. Also the template that was pasted was all written by him.
+.99 Idk just make em staff
Banning admin here! The reason for the ban was because of the high amounts of people you ran into that night. The original clip got a better perspective of you actually running into them, but the medal clip is no longer available. From what I remember on the clip, the guy had turned his head towards the intersection and for about 3 seconds your car appeared driving extremely fast while turning into this big crowd of people and running them over. In clip one though, the guy clearly shows the amount of people in the area and how easily it is not to run into a bunch of people. Also the reason for such a decently long ban was because of your priors for VDM and the amount of people you ran into. For my side of the ban I don't see any reason why this would be okay to say I accidently pressed shift (Mind you in the probably fastest vehicle that most people can obtain) and then accidently run into a group of 8-10 people. I personally have driven the car as a inexperienced player and experienced driver, but could control the car enough to not run into a bunch of people. Something to add onto the fact is this car was driving around the city for a fair share before the incident and I think that can at least prompt someone to say in there mind "Hey maybe I shouldn't be driving this vehicle". Overall I think the ban was reasonable even though you did admit to it. Clip 1: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/j1GeqeQAXmJHNmZ4v/C9GrLykTrnR8?invite=cr-MSxCMm0sMjY3NjQwMjA3LA
Banning admin here! So I took the ticket and got my evidence for the RDM. With further communication with the reporter, he sent me a clip of him RDMing him. I then check his logs for combat and find that the reporter had hit one of his friends and then further did not do anything about it. 10 minutes later he then proceeded to shoot the reporter who had his gun out in safety (never pointed it at him) and then further came the ticket. Also by checking his past offenses I find 6 notes of RDM spanning from this year to a couple years before. I also then proceed to check his bans and find again 6 bans of RDM and extensive POs. He told me that he is a changed person and doesn't act like this anymore. I further gave him a 3 day ban because I felt it was reasonable. Evidence: https://ibb.co/ZzGdwYh https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iZe6CBTIj2FYwiYMo?invite=cr-MSxSRlcsMzMwODc5MDYs https://ibb.co/nkkLtGs Sidenote from me: I feel the ban is legitimate. From the start of this, I have said I am unbiased. I don't side with anyone, not even my own faction members.
+1 dude put a lot of effort in and definetely has the time.
+1 As a fellow public defender, this guy knows how to handle people with no bias. He can hear people out and also give a quick verdict. Good guy! Thanks for the fentanyl btw
Hey there banning staff here! The reason for the original ban was for RDM with one past offense and lying to staff. While in the sit you told me that you didn't get warned or told by the manager to give your name to him. You then proceeded to kill him for no reason. Evidence: https://medal.tv/?contentId=izCnWubZcIfedAb0b&invite=cr-MSw0czgsMjMzODczNDcyLA&spok=d1337cHO9Zvn Also I would like to add, there is no reason for you to make an alt for a 2 day ban or really in general. Clearly our servers caught it and you would have been better off just waiting. If you really like the server, you should have made an appeal for it.
Kurt The Biggest Steppa Staff Application
Skyzer replied to Kurt The Biggest Steppa's topic in Accepted
Very good gentlemen for staff but that is one long ass name to be a staff. +1 -
Im not gonna lie, I have had an interaction with majority of the people in this group and it was outstanding. I have personally played soccer and been to one of there parks and loved every second of it. I like how they want to be more of a community first faction instead of a crime faction. My overall reaction is a massive plus one +1
Question: Why can I whisper with text chats but not voice chats? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Answer: I have recently had this question asked to me and I thought a bit more on this. Considering that some FIVEM and REDM servers have this type of feature, I was thinking about this being in this Gmod server. Considering that most people use voice chat and people like to whisper a lot, why not have it as a feature? My reasoning as to how this can be used would allow people to whisper people without the worry of needing to constantly move or say stay still. Sometimes under tough circumstances, it is hard to whisper when people keep moving or not wanting to hear your voice. Now some things can be lead as a problem that being your voice isn't logged on the server or people not understanding how to use it. I would like to say that if this feature is added, I think it would bring a more interactive experience and here is how I think it should work. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How it should work: There should be a button/keybind that you would press that would go through three different talking options. These options include yelling, whispering and normal talk. 1. Yelling - This feature should allow people to yell at a certain distance to make signaling or trying to get a wide spread of people to hear you. This would help with people getting mugged or needing an officer so they can simply yell for help. This should also make it so you could hear a slight sound of someone's voice through a wall. 2. Whispering - This feature should be in created as a small circle around your player where if a person/s can hear only you when they are in this radius. This would help making deals and certain words easier to say when you can whisper with someone vocally. It would also allow for people to talk in cars within there own space and allowing for cops to make brief decisions without people knowing what there planning. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If anyone would like to add some events that would also help with this, please do so, but this is what I could come up with.
+1 Good cop and overall good role-player. Good addition to staff ngl.
This char is very old and used for some fun Japanese roleplay. I never had intent to changing the name because its such an old character. Its used for some fun rp and really just to have some interactions with the community. When I'm talking with people, ill let them know my name is Ms. Wang which usually gets people to wanna interact more.
+1 Good guy, been friends ever since I got back into the game and would love to see both of us be staff teammates!
+1 he is an amazing guy and seen him around. All he has is good rp and that is his intent the entire time!
In-Game Name(s): Samuel "Sammy" Berenbaum, Officer Muhammed Ashala, Vimal "Mighty" Patel, Wong Wang Steam Name: Skyzerbefr Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/SkyzerBeFr/ Steam ID: 76561199230189062 Discord Username: Skyzerbefr Age: 17 When did you first join the server: late 2022 Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 4w 1d 9h 55m Time Zone: EST How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: < 40 hours per week Have you read the rules?: Multiple times yes. Do you have a working microphone?: Indeed Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): Indeed Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: Absolutely Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Absolutely yes ------------------------------------------------- Long Answer Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum. What is your motivation/reason for applying?: * It has been over a year since I last played the server. I will say, this server is fun and indeed breathtaking. I feel that my time, knowledge and overall personality will bring a benefit to the staff team. I will bring dedication, speed and favoritism to my fellow staff. I will make it seem fun and enjoying for all when I am doing my duties as a staff member. But overall I would like to say that my wellbeing will be different from when I first joined the server, because I have greater knowledge, higher maturity and overall an unbiased mind. Why should you be considered over other candidates?: * Starting off, I don't feel that my application should be considered more acceptable then others, but really just an opportunity for higher ups to see a high potential for an amazing staff member. I feel that my application should be considered more then others for the following reasons. I am a dedicated person, well rounded, and a good problem solver for whatever comes my way. Others may doubt these things but I say otherwise because I can say my time in this server is enough to know what can and will happen in this server at all times. But as my consideration should be high, I think that all applications should be looked just the same as mine besides the amount of +1s or -1s that come to play. Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): I was a super admin for a popular server Elitelupus and an admin for a Fallout server. Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: Yes, Ltap. Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: * I would say I am well known as I am in the Jewish faction. People know me for my energy, kindness and overall dedication to help others. I feel my presence is known wherever I go and people feel comfortable when I am around. I like to make others feel like they know me as family and as far as a brother. I want everyone to still continue feeling this type of way and want to overall make people trust me to help protect them in this server. What is your favorite moment on Diverge so far?: Finding friends that I consider family and making everyone feel safe! Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: Pyro, Pizzle, Monaclu ------------------------------------------------- Problem Solving Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take. Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: First clip it and secondly have a conversation with the dude to not do that. I would let a different staff member handle it by making a sit with all the proof I have so there is no bias sit. You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: Make a staff report on the forums and put all the evidence I have with any witnesses that may be involved. A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: I would consider this a bias way of handling things. But I am deemed a not bias person and will handle things the way the always will be. Regardless of if there friends or faction members, I will do anything and everything to make the sit as unbiased as possible. --------------------------------------------------------- Edited to make it easier to read. Your welcome new readers.